A Family Reunion

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(D/h/l)---> dad's hair length
(D/h/c)---> dad's hair color
(D/e/c)---> dad's eye color

     (F/n)'s POV

     I was standing in a familiar setting. My dad's apartment, dark brown flooring with the usual furniture. It was the same just like the last time I was there. I wandered around the apartment, looking at the numerous amount of framed photos. Dad was obsessed with photography.

     "My baby girl...where are you..." I heard a voice sob softly. It was coming from my dad's room. I walked into the room to see a man with (d/h/l)(d/h/c) hair and (d/e/c) eyes. He was sobbing to himself with a bottle of beer by his side. The man was dressed in a wrinkly dress shirt with dress pants. Suddenly realization hit me. It was my dad, crying about my disappearance.

     "Baby girl, please come back!" Dad cried loudly. Guilt and sadness suddenly wash over me as I looked at my dad. Suddenly there was a knock on the door to my dad's room. Dad, with sudden hope, quickly got up and opened the door.

     "DAD, NOOO!!!" I screamed as a wave of flames suddenly erupted from the door. Dad was drowned in the flames, his screams murderous to my ears. The evil cackles of the flames rang through my ears, like nails on a chalkboard.

"(F/n), wake up!" I heard a voice exclaim with worry. I immediately jolted awake to see Nico and Eric standing above me. Áspro Quickly rubbing the guck out of my eyes, I got up and looked at the boys. I realized that we were in a small hotel room.

"Where are we?" I asked the boys. Eric was about to answer my question, but Nico beat him to the punch. He answered, "We're in Winona, Minnesota. I shadow-traveled us here while you were sleeping because we were attacked by some wild venti."

"Oh okay! Let's go find the first thing!" I exclaimed, full of sudden energy. Haven't taking an ADHD pill in days. Eric and Nico then exchanged looks. My Korean friend then stated, "We don't know where in Winona is the glass for the Krymméni Máska."

So that's what the first ingredient was in Greek. I frowned and sighed at my two friends. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice inside my mind say, The glass is in the Winona County Historical Society. Also this is Cynosura.

"It's in the Winona County Historical Society," I told Nico and Eric. They didn't seem to question it and began gathering their stuff. I did the same and we left the hotel. As the three of us wandered around, I felt a cold hand touch my left shoulder. Suddenly I wasn't with Nico and Eric, but inside an abandoned hospital room.

"What the fudge?!" I yelped in confusion and fear. Suddenly I heard a deep male voice say, "Hello Ms. (F/n) (L/n)," before hearing a cheerful female voice say, "Hello (F/n)!"

I turned around to see a man and a woman standing in the hospital room. The man had dark messy hair, like Nico's hair, but a bit long. His eyes were onyx, like Nico's, and had death pale skin, just like Nico. He was dressed in long dark robes. The woman, on the other hand, was the exact opposite of the man, color otherwise. She had long sand-blonde hair with the ends being curly ringlets. Her eyes were vibrant yet soft shade of blue. The woman's skin was like a marshmallow roasted to golden perfection. She adored a pale green chiton with sandals.

"Who are you...?" I asked confusedly and with a bit of fear in my tone. I had no idea who they were. Gods?Monsters? Demigods? The man mumbled under his breath, "I have no idea why Nico is infatuated with this demigoddess."

"I am Eileithyia, Eric Riki's mother and that's Hades, Nico Di Angelo's father!" exclaimed the woman cheerfully. My eyes widen a bit and I quickly bowed with respect. I had a feeling that they wouldn't like any impolite demigods.

     "At least, she's polite..." Hades grumbled silently. My point proven. I then asked politely, "Why has Lord Hades and Lady Eileithyia graced me with their presence?"

     "Aw, no wonder why my darling Eric loves you! You're so adorable!" cooed Eileithyia. She then added, "We are here, regarding our sons' affection for you."

     "Ok...? But why did you teleport me here at a hospital? Couldn't you two have teleported to me?" I asked. Hades then growled, "Demigods ask too many questions for my liking."

     "It's because hospitals are where life and death, our domains, co-exist, darling!" Eileithyia explained to me. My mouth formed a little 'o' with realization. Hades then added, "But on to the subject at hand. You must choose of our sons soon."

     "But...I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings..." I told the God of death.

     "Soon you will have to make a choice, the Fates demand it. That choice will happen very soon," stated Eileithyia softly. She then whispered, "Your choice, no matter who you pick, will threaten someone's life."

      "(F/n), Nico has been through so many hardships. He needs your love," said Hades, like he was almost pleading me. Eileithyia then exclaimed, "So has Eric!"

     "Your little baby's life has been breezing! Unlike Nico's!" Hades argued. Eileithyia and Hades then began to argue, as I stood there awkwardly. Suddenly the two gods disappeared, along with with the hospital setting. I was back with the boys walking, Eric holding a sheet of glass. Confused, I then asked, "What happened?"

     "Don't you remember? We got the glass for the mirror, like five seconds ago," stated Eric with a silly grin. I decided not to push the matter and we made our way back to the hotel.

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