Eros Is a Dick Part 1

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(F/n)'s POV

The monster girl hissed at us before charging at Nico. He stood there nonchalantly, waiting for the monster to come at him. I stared at him in shock while Eric just stood there. Before I come shout, "NICO YOU IDIOT!!!" Nico stabbed the monster girl in the heart. She let out a shriek before turning into golden dust. My mouth dropped in awe while Eric began clapping.

"What the beep?!" I yelled in shock and confusion.

"Just an empousa," stated Nico nonchalantly. I quickly charged up to him and bang my fists against his chest. He was unfazed by my fists colliding with him.

"You could of gotten hurt!" I exclaimed while continuing to bang my fists against him.

"Glad you care about me, sweetheart, but let's getting going," answered Nico. He then grabbed my hand and Eric's hand, who was dead quiet for some reason. Nico led us to a shadow that a nearby streetlamp made and we walked through it. I closed my eyes the whole time until I heard Eric say, "You can open your eyes now, (F/n)."

My eyes fluttered open to see the three of us standing in a different hotel room. Eric was laying down on one of the bed while Nico was standing next to me. Áspro (can't believe I almost forgot about him) was laying down by my feet. I then asked, "Are we in Alaska or Washington?"

Alaska, madame Áspro said in my mind.

"Alaska," said Eric and Nico in unison.

"Ok. Let's find the silver in the morning," I told the boys, remembering the next ingredient. Eric was already asleep and Nico nodded in agreement before laying down on the room's couch. I sat down on the other hotel bed with Áspro by my feet.

"I have a different idea~!" I heard a voice chuckle. Nico and I immediately jolted up and pointed our weapons at the source of the voice. Áspro stood protectively in front of me.

"Woah, woah! Calm down, kiddos!" the voice chuckled. It was a handsome young man dressed in a white frock and jeans. He was lean yet muscular and had snow white wings. His eyes were blood-red and his hair was straight black and to his shoulders. The man had a golden bow and quiver swung over his shoulder.

"Oh shit," I heard Nico mumble to himself. He had visibly fear on his face, which shocked me. In the few days I had known him, I never saw Nico terrified.

"Uh...are you friendly?" I chuckled nervously before lowering my (p/w).

"You have good taste, Nico! Beautiful and polite!" the mystery angel man chuckled. I blushed at his compliment and he winked at me, pissing off Nico. Eric then woke up and asked groggily, "Wh-What's happening?" before getting up and standing between me and Nico.

"Eros," answered Nico with venom in his tone.

The god of love and desire, madame stated Áspro in my mind.

"Hey now, be nice!" the man, Eros, exclaimed with a pout on his handsome face.

"Or what?" Nico taunted with a smirk. Eros smirked and quickly got his bow before notching an arrow on it. He shot an arrow at Eric, causing him to yelp in shock and fall backwards.

     "Eric!!!" I yelled in shock at my fallen friend. Eros then shot another arrow at Nico. It impaled him and knocked him backwards. I then yelled, "Nico!!!"

     "It's okay, little lady! My arrows don't hurt anyone!" Eros reassured me. I sighed in relief and looked at my two friends. They both slowly got up and looked at one another. I swore I saw hearts appear in theirs eyes. Eric then suddenly jumped on Nico and kissed him on the lips. I stood there in shock and confusion as the two of them...well...kissed.

     "The power of love, baby girl! Sadly my power over same sex love isn't as strong as my friend, Ganymede!" Eros laughed. I looked up at Eros and asked, " long are like that...?"

     "Until you and I have a little talk!" Eros exclaimed with a charming smile. I then gave him a nervous smile. When a god says they want to talk with you, that's never good.

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