I Get to Beat Someone to a Pulp!

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(D/a)---> dominant arm/hand (left or right)

     (F/n)'s POV

As we were walking towards the fighting area, I tried having a conversation with Nico. I asked him the basic questions about his interests. He was a bit shocked, but also annoyed at me for all my questions.

"What's your favorite color, Nico?" I asked.

"Black like my soul," he answered bluntly. I couldn't help, but chuckle at his response. Nico blushed a bit at my reaction.

"Do you have any favorite foods?"

"Pomegranates and pasta...why are you asking me all this questions?"

"Because I wanna get to know you! Favorite desserts?"

"...Biscotti..." Nico replied awkwardly.

"Italian cookies? Nice choice! Do you have any family besides Hazel and Hades?" I asked. That ticked him off a bit. He glared at me and answered in a mean venomous tone, "I don't want to talk about that."

"I'm sorry," I immediately apologized to Nico. He sighed, "It's okay."

"So...favorite games?" I asked, trying to clean the awkward tension.

"Mythomagic!" Nico exclaimed and immediately covered his mouth. I smiled brightly at him. Yay! A positive reaction! He then stuttered, "B-But I stopped playing a long time ago..."

"You like Mythomagic? Me too!" I then exclaimed happily. Nico's eyes widen a bit and asked in shock, "You play Mythomagic?"

"Uh yeah! I used to play it all the time with my grandparents!" I exclaimed with a sad smile. Nico looked at me confusedly and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I-It's nothing!" I lied, waving my hands in a rapid motion. Nico narrowed his eyes at me and walked ahead. I sighed to myself in relief. I didn't want to tell him why I stopped playing Mythomagic. It was because of my grandparents' deaths. Finally we made it to the fighting area. In the distance, I saw Dillion talking to some of his brothers. I glared at him from afar.

The stupid brat, I thought as I glared at him. Suddenly I heard a familiar motherly voice in my head.

Did he do something to you, sweetheart? If so, may I throw him into the deep depths of the Underworld? Hera asked in a protective motherly way inside my mind. I mentally laughed and answered, I wish, but that would lower my reputation. I can handle him...Mother? May I call you Mother, Queen Hera?

Yes of course! You're my daughter after all! Hera exclaimed in my mind. I mentally nodded and ended my conversation with her. With determination, I then walked over to my...friends? Acquaintances? I don't even know what to call them yet.

"Hey guys!" I said happily. They greeted me back with their own ways of saying hello. I then asked, "What are we doing today?"

"Weapon practice and hand to hand combat," answered Annabeth matter of factly. I nodded, showing that I understood. Suddenly Percy walked away from the group and then shouted, "Attention everyone!!!"

Everyone suddenly focused their attention onto the son of Poseidon. Percy smiled bright and then yelled, "Today we're doing weapons practice and hand to hand combat! Half on one side and half on the other!"

Everyone then dispersed to one side of the area or the other. I followed the rest of my (friend?) group to the left side of the area. In the corner of my eye, I noticed that Dillion and Eric went to the right side of the area. Then Percy shouted, "I need someone to demonstrate some hand to hand combat techniques!"

Dillion immediately raised his hand and Percy beckoned him to come up. He did so and Percy then shouted, "Thanks Dillion for volunteering! Now you will be demonstrating some techniques in front of everyone! Please pick a partner from the left side of the area!"

Dillion secretly smirked at me and I silently gulped. He pretended to ponder on that question for a bit and I glared at him. Dillion then answered slyly, "(F/n) (L/n) will be my partner!"

     I mentally groaned in agony as I painfully walked up to my evil ginger bully and the Great Percy Jackson. Standing next to Dillion, I looked up at Percy patiently. I was in no rush to get beaten to a pulp by some elementary school sized kid. Percy then yelled, "Dillion and (F/n) will demonstrate the arm bar first! (F/n) will pretend to be the attacker and lay on the ground!"

     I slowly got down to the ground and laid on my belly. Dillion then silently snickered as he quickly got on top of me. He then grabbed my (d/a) arm and twisted it into an unnatural position. I whimpered silently in pain as I felt looks of sympathy come from Nico, Eric, and the rest. I swore that I felt the ground shake a bit. Percy then yelled, "Now release! The attacker is disabled!"

     Dillion released my arm from his dead grip. I sighed in relief to be freed from that horrible painful position. Oh that brat is SOOOOO going down! I popped my arm back into place and hissed in pain. Dillion and I then locked eyes and he smirked at me. Then Percy yelled now, "Dillion will be the attacker this time!"

     Perfect time for my revenge, I thought to myself with a small smile. Dillion rolled his eyes at Percy and laid belly-flat on the ground. I brightly smiled to myself as I got on top of the brat. With a quick swift, I grabbed his left arm and dislocate it.

      "OWWWWWW!!!" Dillion screamed in pain as he felt me dislocate his arm. Everyone began to laugh at his reaction, even Percy. I got off of him and lied, "Sorry! My bad!"

     Dillion then growled in annoyance and slowly got up from the ground. He then popped his arm back into place and suddenly tackled me to the ground. With a sudden blow to my head, Dillion then began to punch me. Everyone gasped at the scene. I kicked him off of me and did a swift blow to the nuts. The ground shook even more. He then howled in pain as I began to beat him into a bloody pulp.

      "WHAT IN THE GODS OF OLYMPUS IS GOING ON HERE?!" screamed a familiar voice. Everything went silent as I looked up. Chiron was standing in front of me with Mr. D (I think that's his name?). The centaur man was hundred percent pissed.

      "I-I-I c-c-can e-explain!" I stuttered out in fear. Chiron glared at me with anger and hissed, "Come with me to the Big House. You're in big trouble, young lady."

Child of Hera (A Reader x Nico Di Angelo Fanfic) ~ON HOLD~Where stories live. Discover now