Demigod Pancakes and a Heartfelt Confession

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     (F/n)'s POV

     It would of been super easy and stress-free if Nico had just shadow-travelled us directly to Hephaestus' forge. But no, we just had to be teleported ten thousand feet above the mountain. In the future, all of our reactions would be funny tales for our kids.

     "HOLY GODS AHHHH!" I screamed as we were free-falling. I frantically held onto to Áspro, which was calmly free-falling with us. Then I heard Eric scream, "WHAT THE HELL, NICO?! DO SOMETHING, YOU BUTT NUGGET!!!"

"Did you just call me a butt nugget?" Nico then deadpanned, glaring at the Korean boy. WHY THE HELL WASN'T HE FREAKING OUT?! I then screamed at Nico, "IT DOESN'T MATTER! IN A FEW SECONDS, WE ALL ARE GONNA BE DEMIGOD PANCAKES!!!"

Nico then sighed and looked around for a shadow. We were nearing the mountain and I buried my face in Áspro's feathery neck. All of a sudden, we stopped falling. Confused, I looked up to see Áspro was flying gracefully with the boys clinging onto me.

"Thank you, Áspro!" I thanked my helpful companion as he gently flew down to the side of the mountain. After we all disembark from Peacock Airlines, Áspro bowed to me and said, The pleasure is all mine, Madame (F/n).

I smiled at him and pecked him on the top of his head. Áspro smiled at me, the best he could do for being a peacock. The boys then piped up in unison, "Can we have a kiss?"

"For what? Nearly turning me into a pancake?" I stated with a playful glare. Nico gave me an awkward smile while Eric laughed. Playfully rolling my eyes, I walked up to the two and pecked each of them on the cheek. Eric then turned into a human tomato while Nico was grinning ear to ear.

"Now, everyone, into the mountain!" I exclaimed proudly. Nico grabbed Eric's and I's hand and shadow-travelled us inside the mountain. We were standing on cool down rocks with two paths leading two different ways.

"We should split up," suggested Nico. I nodded in agreement and stated, "Áspro and Eric, you take the left. Nico and I will take the one on the right."

"Okay..." Eric mumbled sadly before walking off with the albino peacock. Nico and I then went on our way to the path to the right. I felt like I was melting on the inside from the heat of the mountain. A bead of sweat dripped from my forehead. Fortunately, we didn't encounter any monsters as we walked.

"By the way, (F/n), thanks for picking me to be your partner," stated Nico with a small smile. I felt my cheek warm up from the heat and from his comment. Now would be a perfect time to tell him, I thought to myself.

"Exactly...there's a reason why..." I stammered, trying my best to muster up some confidence. Nico stopped walking and turned to face me. He was sweating too, probably more than me because of his bomber jacket. His face was a bit red from the heat and he looked worried and concerned.

"What's the reason?" he asked me, taking a step forward. I took a step back and found myself back to back with one of the sides of the mountain. Taking a deep breath, I whispered to him, "I choose you."

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