Big Brother Jason and Finn the Clone

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     (F/g/m)---> favorite genre
of music (ex: alternative)
     (O/h/c)---> opposite hair color (ex: if you had blonde hair, then the opposite would be black)
     (H/l)---> hair length
     (H/t)---> hair texture (wavy, curly, straight, etc)
     (O/e/c)---> opposite eye color (ex: the opposite of green eyes would be red)
     (S/c)---> skin color

     (F/n)'s POV

     "(F/n)! (F/n), wake up!" shouted a familiar voice. I groaned and buried my face in my fluffy pillow. The voice sighed to itself and exclaimed, "If you don't get up, then you'll miss breakfast!"

     I immediately shot out of bed and discovered the voice belonged to a very bewildered Percy. He mumbled, "Is this Finn's clone?" before running a hand through his messy black hair. I tilt my head at them in confusion.

     "Since you have no one else in your cabin, Chiron put me, Jason, and Nico in charge of you. You have the same schedule as us!" Percy exclaimed happily. I weakly smiled at him and asked nervously, "Will..Jason be nice to me?"

     "Definitely! He's a total chill bro! Trust me, once he gets to know you, he'll love you! After all, you too are step-siblings!" Percy then answered cheerfully. I smiled brightly at him, having always dreamt of having a big brother.

     "Now get dressed! I'll be outside, waiting for you!" Percy replied before leaving the cabin. With a smile, I then changed into an outfit Chiron gave me; a CHB tee, jean shorts, sneakers, and undergarments. Before I put on my shoes, I put on white knee high socks with two red stripes at the top. I then left the cabin and went to Percy, who was talking to a younger girl. She was around my age, maybe a year older than me.

     "Oh (F/n)! There you are! I want to introduce you to my sister, Bre-Bre!" Percy exclaimed happily. The girl looked slightly annoyed at him and punched him in the stomach. Percy fell to the ground in mocking pain. She then hissed, "Don't call me Bre-Bre, Perc!"

     I took this opportunity to examine Percy's sister. She had shoulder-length choppy dark chestnut hair that was curly and wavy at the same time. Bre had light beige skin and bright grassy green eyes. She wore an outfit similar to mine, but she had ripped up leggings under her jean shorts and wore a beautiful charm bracelet.

     "I'm sorry about my brother. By the way, I'm Bre, daughter of Poseidon. You must be (F/n)!" said Bre cheerfully with a smile. She then extended her hand to me and I shook it. I smiled back at her and said, "It's nice to meet you, Bre!"

     "It's nice to meet you too!" Bre laughed. We both then heard Percy groan and realized he was still down. Bre and I helped him up (and dang, Percy was heavy). Percy, who quickly recovered from Bre's "fatal" punch to the gut, then exclaimed while grabbing our hands, "To the dining pavilion!!!"

     He dragged us to the pavilion from last night. We then made it to the pavilion and the Poseidon siblings led me over to a picnic table where only Jason was sitting at. He wore a typical Camp Half-Blood outfit and his glasses were falling off his face a bit. He was reading a book titled, "The Lunar Chronicles: Cinder," while eating scrambled eggs on toast with a glass of water.

     "Hey Blonde Superman!" Bre and Percy exclaimed in unison. Jason looked up from his book and rolled his eyes at them. Percy then huffed, "Aren't you gonna say good morning to us?"

     "Good morning," replied Jason before stuffing his nose back into his book. The Poseidon siblings rolled their eyes and they then whispered to me, "We'll be at our table," before walking away. I sighed to myself and sat down at the table.

     "Good morning, Jason!" I greeted him. Jason looked up from his book and softly smiled at me. Ok, he doesn't hate me...yet. Jason then said back, "Good morning, (F/n)! Did you sleep well?"

     "Not really...I had a small nightmare..." I answered honestly. Jason placed his book on the table and grabbed my hands. I looked at him with confusion. He then told me, "I'm sorry about your nightmare, but I need to tell you something very important. I don't care that you're Hera's daughter. I judge people on their character and actions. So far, I see you as a good person."

     That made my day and I smiled brightly at Jason. He smiled back and we began talking about our interests. Apparently, we both shared a common interest in a book series called, "The Lunar Chronicles," and we both loved (f/g/m). Soon breakfast ended and Jason explained to me about our schedule.

     "We have weapon practice first with the Poseidon, Hades, Athena, and Hephaestus cabins!" Jason told me. I nodded and he led me over to Percy and Bre. They were talking with Annabeth, Leo, Nico, Hazel, and two unfamiliar girls. The first girl was Indian, with long super curly black hair in a low ponytail and mud brown eyes. She had lovely dark caramel skin and a pair of glasses adored her face. The Indian girl noticed me and Jason and waved at us.

     "Hi! You must be the new girl, (F/n)! I'm Andrea, daughter of Athena, but you can call me Andy!" said the girl with enthusiasm. I smiled at her and said, "It's nice to meet you, Andy!"

     "Don't forget about me!" whined a voice. The voice belonged to the second girl. We looked exactly alike, minus hair color and eye color. The girl had the same shape and was the same height as me. She had (s/c) skin, (o/h/c) (h/l) (h/t) hair, and (o/e/c) eyes. Both Andy and the second girl wore similar outfits to mine.

     "Who are you and why do you look like me?!" we exclaimed in unison. The girl and I began to mirror each other's movement while Percy, Jason, and Leo were laughing their butts off. We then stopped and stared at each other.

     "Well isn't that strange?" Hazel chuckled to her half-brother. Nico huffed in annoyance and I felt his glare on my back. The girl sighed in defeat and said to me, "The name's Finn! Daughter of Hephaestus! Nice to meet you, my clone!"

     "Nice to meet you too, my clone!" I chuckled. Finn and I laughed at each other. Nico face-palmed while everyone else laughed with me and Finn. After our laughing session, we all headed over to a gigantic training area.

     (A/n): Surprise, surprise! If you're curious about who the heck Finn is, well she's actually you (the reader) from my other PJO/HOO fanfictions, The 7 Become the 10 and The Keys to a Revolution! The reason I call her Finn is because of my good old friend, ChildOfAthena101 , who Andy is based off of! When she read those other PJO/HOO fanfictions of mine, she would read (F/n) as Finn XD XOXOXO Brid)

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