Note to Self: Never Angry a Child of Ares

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(F/f)---> favorite food
(F/b)---> favorite beverage

(F/n)'s POV

The Hermes cabin and I made our way to the dining pavilion and sat down at a very large picnic table. Apparently each table was assigned to each cabin. A bunch of all green girls in chitons suddenly appeared with plates of food and drinks. They began handing out the food to everyone.

"Why do those girls have green skin?" I whispered to Travis or Connor...I think it was Travis. He whispered back, "Oh! Those girls are nature nymphs!"

My brain scanned itself for information about nature nymphs. They were sweet spirits of nature, followers of the nature goddess, Demeter. One of them, all green features, walked up to the Hermes table and handed out food and drinks. She then handed me a plate of (f/f) and a glass of (f/b).

"Thank you," I told the nymph. She smiled at me and walked over to a different table. I quietly ate my dinner and looked around the pavilion. One table, the Poseidon table, only had two people, Percy and a tan brunette about 2 or 3 years younger than Percy. Probably his sister or something. The Zeus table only had Jason and the Hades table only had Hazel and Nico.

They're the only children of the Big Three after World War Two. Percy, Jason, and Breanna are the ones who Zeus and Poseidon broke the promise, a voice whispered in my head. It wasn't my own, but one of an older woman's. I shook my head and continued to eat dinner. Suddenly a conflict broke out.

"Stupid nymph!!! I asked for steak, not pork!!!" a guff and rude voice yelled. I turned around to see the nymph, who delivered my food, was getting yelled at by a muscular meat-head of a girl. She was huge and scary with a spear by her side. The nymph then apologized in fear, "I-I-I'm s-s-sorry, M-M-Ms. C-C-Clarisse!"

"Oh, you're sorry?! Well stop screwing up, you stupid nymph!" the rude girl yelled. The nymph started to cry and I had enough. I stood up and walked up to the girl and nymph. With full confidence and bravery, I yelled at the girl, "Stop bullying her! It was just a mistake!"

Everyone in the pavilion gasped and others began whispering in shock. The rude girl looked at me with shock, but that was quickly replaced with rage. She looked at me, the urge of murder present in her eyes, and laughed, "Look what we have here! A little weakling is standing for another little weakling! You should be new or stupid to confront me, weakling!"

"I'm new and I'm not a weakling! You're not the boss around here!" I yelled back, a bit surprised that no camper or adult (are there any other adults besides Chiron?). She growled at me and whispered in my ear, "Let's finished this in Capture the Flag, weakling."

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