The Evil Works of the Fangirls (*Cough* Piper and Lou Ellen *Cough*)

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(F/n)'s POV

I ended up staying in my cabin all day. Nico was getting on my nerves, so I didn't want to see him. I was doodling on my hand with one of my pens when there was a knock on the door. Before I say, "Come in," the person already walked in. Surprise, surprise! It was Nico, holding a plate of (f/f) and a glass of (f/d).

"Eric wanted to give you this, but he had to go to archery," stated Nico bluntly as he placed my lunch down on my bed. I rolled my eyes at him and exclaimed with sarcasm, "Wow! To think, I actually thought you were just being a nice guy!"

In the corner of my eye, I saw Nico crack a small smile. He then sat down next to me and stared at me, mainly the hand I was doodling on. Nico asked me, "What are you doodling?"

      "Things from my "dreams"..." I answered, using air quotation marks at the word, 'dreams,' before finishing up one of the doodles. It was a beautifully illustrated doodle of a peacock. Nico then laughed, "A peacock? You're really Hera's kid!"

     I rolled my eyes at the emo boy before working on another doodle. It was a doodle of the North Star. Suddenly Nico told me, "By the way, Dillion's leaving Camp Half-Blood."

     That made me perk up a bit. I looked up from my doodle and glanced at Nico. With a grin, I asked him happily, "You're kidding, right?! How?!"

     "After you gave him an ass whooping, he cried to his mommy, a mortal who knows about the reality of Greek mythology, and she's picking him up today!" Nico laughed, who was clutching his stomach from laughter. I was laughing with him. Serves that stupid brat right! Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

     "It's open!" I yelled, finishing up our laugh fest. To my surprise, it was Piper who walked into my cabin. She had a huge smirk on her face, signaling something bad was about to happen. I awkwardly asked, "Hey Piper? Whatca doing here? You need something?"

     She creepily smiled at me and Nico, giving me the chills. Piper was planning something bad. She then asked us, "Can you two get up, so I can take a picture for the Camp Half-Blood yearbook I'm making?"

      Nico eyeballed her with suspicion and reluctantly got up from the ground. Slowly, I did the same and Piper whipped out a purple Polaroid camera. I secretly eyed it with jealousy, always wanting a Polaroid camera. Piper then exclaimed, "Say cheese, you two!"

     I smiled at the camera and flashed a peace sign. Nico, on the other hand, stared blankly at the chase with no smile. Piper then snapped a picture of us and it printed out of the camera. She removed it and fanned the piece of film. A image of a happy-looking me and a grouchy Nico showed on the piece of film.

     "Thanks for the picture!" Piper yelled, as if she was trying to signal someone. Suddenly a familiar girl materialized out of thin air and pushed Nico! He yelped in shock as he crashed into me, knocking me down to the ground. My head hit the ground and I felt something on my lips. Nico's lips on my lips.

     "Say cheese, lovebirds~!" Piper giggled, along with Lou Ellen. I suddenly heard the click of a camera. Piper took a picture of us. Both girls then sprinted out of the cabin. I realized Nico was still kissing me and I blushed a bright red.

     "Hey (F/n)! Do you know what's up with Piper and-? Oh my gods," I heard a familiar voice. I pushed Nico off of me to see Eric standing in the doorway. He looked so heartbroken at what he saw. Nico looked heartbroken after I pushed him off of me. Suddenly Eric ran out of the room. I quickly got up and yelled, "Eric, wait!!! I can explain!!!"

     Looking at a heartbroken Nico for the last time, I sprinted out of my cabin and after Eric. Oh gods, what have I done?!

Child of Hera (A Reader x Nico Di Angelo Fanfic) ~ON HOLD~Where stories live. Discover now