Big Bro Hephaetsus

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(F/n)'s POV

Nico stared at me in shock for a few moments until shock turned into joy. The next thing I knew was a crazy make out session. Nico pinned me against the wall and began kissing me. His lips were soft and tasted like pasta, McDonalds, and pomegranates; an odd combination, but I loved it. I kissed back, deepening the kiss, as I ran my hands through Nico's raven locks.

"Mmm~!" I moaned into the kiss, as Nico began kissing me rougher. I felt his hands go to the hem of my shirt. My mind was racing with a billion thoughts.

Was he going to do what I think he's doing?

Oh gods, he's such a good kisser, I'm surprised he's not a son of Aphrodite.

Oh gods, his hands are down there!

"Nico? (F/n)?" I heard Eric call out, causing Nico to break the kiss. He quickly pecked my lips before hugging me tightly. The son of Hades then whispered, "Thank you for choosing me. You can tell him soon."

"Nico...thank you for understanding," I whispered back before pecking his nose. We then ended the hug and went to find Eric and Áspro. The paths suddenly merged together. Two figures appeared into my field of vision. They were Eric and Áspro...but all beat up?!

"Oh my gods, are you guys okay?!" I shouted in shock as I ran over to them, dragging Nico with me. Eric looked the most injured, fresh cuts and bruises adoring his body. Áspro looked fine, minus the large gash on his forehead.

"We took the wrong path," wheezed Eric before losing his balance. Nico managed to catch him before he could hit the ground. He then asked me, "Can you get some of the ambrosia out of my backpack?"

I nodded and walked behind Nico. Rummaging through his backpack, I managed to find a small zippy bag of ambrosia and handed a piece to Nico. He then began to force fed Eric the ambrosia. I then broke off a piece and gave it to Áspro. He gladly ate the piece and the gash slowly disappeared from his forehead.

"What the? (F/n), did you give Áspro a piece of ambrosia?" Nico asked in a worried tone. I looked at him and slowly nodded, causing Nico's eyes to widen in shock. He looked at Áspro and stated in shock, "Why aren't you bursting into FLAMES?!"

"WAIT WHAT?!" I screamed. Áspro looked at me and stated, Only gods and demigods can eat ambrosia without bursting into flames. I happen to be a former demigod myself, madame.

"You're a demigod?!" I exclaimed. Nico's eyes, if possible, widened even more in shock. Áspro nodded and said, I was once a son of Khione, the goddess of ice and snow. Hera took a liking to me as I paid homage to her and my mother before going on quests or missions. Once I died, Lady Hera resurrected me as a peacock, madame.

     "He...used powers..." mumbled Eric in a dazed tone. I frowned in disappointment and asked Áspro, "Is that why Hera- I mean Mother referred to you as a gift?" putting emphasis on 'gift'. The peacock nodded and answered, Yes. I'm undyingly loyal to Lady Hera and her allies. Especially to you, being her only half-mortal child. We are still friends though, correct madame?

"Correct," I said to Áspro with a small smile upon my face.

"Uh hate to ruin your touchy feely moment, but we should go find Hephaestus now," piped up Nico out of the blue, supporting a half-awake Eric with a shoulder. I nodded in agreement and we continued our search. Soon we found a gigantic iron double door and I knocked on it. A loud voice then boomed, "WHO GOES THERE?!"

"'s your step-sister! (F/n)!" I shouted. There was a moment of silence before the doors opened slowly. The four of us then entered the forge and saw a gigantic man mending a sword over an anvil. He was crippled and deformed yet his beauty was presented in his forge work. The man looked at us before shrinking down to human sized. He smiled at us and said, "Hello Sister (F/n) and friends."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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