Chapter Two

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Clockwork was unconscious on the floor.
"WHO ARE YOU!! LET US-" I stopped mid sentence as I saw who had captured us. Terror rushed over me, I was done for...
Before me stood Toby, Masky and Hoodie.

"What..." I said, astonished.
"Hello traitor." Said Masky.
"Bet you thought we were dead didn't you?" He said as he took a few steps towards me.
"You'll be coming with us, we have some unfinished business to attend to." He said as he pulled out a baseball bat. "Let's make this quick." He sniggered as I struggled. Before I could do anything else the bat came into hard contact with my head and I was out cold.

I awoke in a dim lit room. I saw Clockwork on the other side of the room still unconscious.
My head burned from where Masky hit me. To my surprise I wasn't tied up.
'Did they rebuild the mansion?' I thought as I got to my feet. I suddenly realised I didn't have my weapons. Thankfully I keep a small knife in my shoe which I carefully picked up. 'Dumbasses didn't think to check my shoes.' I smirked as I cautiously approached the door. I pushed it lightly.
It wasn't locked?!

I opened it and gasped as I saw the corridors. It was almost like it was when I was here as DN. I still cared for these people deep down. I doubt they still care for me tho... I did betray them! I'm an awful person...

I wandered down the corridors on high alert. I suddenly heard a noise and dived into a corner and waited.
Slenderman passed.

'(Y/N) child, I know you are there.'
I felt like I was going to die of shock. He knew I was here!
"I know your going to kill me." I hissed as I held out my knife in front of me.
'Maybe we will, maybe we won't. I'll have to run it through the other CreepyPastas. Well the ones who survived.'
I felt sick. I couldn't take the guilt.

I followed Slenderman down the stairs. I wanted to see the CreepyPastas again, despite the fact they hate me. I want to know who remains.

I entered the new living room. It wasn't different to the old lounge really, but it was smaller.

There stood the rest of the CreepyPastas. Their glares burned holes into my chest.
'We are here to make a decision. On what to do with (Y/N). After she was brainwashed by Zalgo.'

"I say we kill her. No questions asked. I hate her. She got my brother killed." Said a voice. An unmistakable voice.

The way he said he hated me. It wasn't like the playful insults we threw at each other when we first met. This was real. And I knew he meant it.

Voices broke out across the room.
"I agree with Jeff. (Y/N) you know Sally died." Said Jane as she walked angrily to Jeff's side and took his hand.
Sally died!!?? No... I desperately fought the tears that began to well up in my eyes.
"Nina died as well, oh and Zalgo tore down our mansion!" Jane yelled.

I stopped trying to fight the tears and the shock of everything came plummeting down on me. And everything went blank.

I hope you're enjoying book two! Feel free to leave feed back. I appreciate positive and negative. Xx

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