Chapter Twenty Three

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Check out my BEN Drowned x Reader story!
In order to understand this chapter read this: This chapter goes back to the present day (no longer a flash back of Slenderman's life) and is a continuation of the mid way point of chapter Twenty Two.

Jeff's POV

'Children please bring Zalgo's body and we shall rendezvous with the others.' I heard Slendy send to everyone. I glanced over to where Zalgo was lying and saw that Toby and Hoodie had hoisted him off the ground. I grunted and hastily walked away. I hate being in this godforsaken place. I want to be anywhere but here. A wave of regret surged over me. I should have listened to voice telling me (Y/N) was in danger. But instead I foolishly assumed that she was okay. This was my fault. I could have easily prevented this. What if I had gone with her?
Clockwork solemnly summoned a portal. We all stepped inside, heads hung low. Zalgo was dead, but so was (Y/N). She's caused us so much pain... I'm confused as to why I'm sad...

I came out of the portal and stepped into the snow.
"THEY'RE BACK!" I heard Splendorman announce. Happy as usual. Right now, happiness was making me sick.
Offenderman, Trendorman, EJ, LJ and Jane were standing outside the house. I have to admit, none of us came out unscathed, but at least we didn't die. The same can not be said for (Y/N).

Splendorman was grinning like an idiot, however it was wiped right of his face when didn't we acknowledge his smile. The six of them then saw what was raining on our parade. LJ stopped laughing, Splendorman was frowning, Offenderman had dropped his rose into the snow and even Jane looked taken aback. EJ remained stoic.

'We have overpowered Zalgo, but I'm afraid it came with a price to pay.' Slendy began as he gently placed (Y/N)'s body on the floor.
Everyone just stood in silence. We didn't quite know what to do. Come last year we would have been rejoicing, but in he last couple of weeks she had returned to us a different person. But nothing could bring back Sally, Nina or Liu.

'Now we have all gathered I must tell you a few things about (Y/N). Some things I have already mentioned to the attacking group. Let us all head inside.'


Slender had us all gathered in the dining room around (Y/N)'s body. I've never seen him like this before... Toby and Hoodie had burnt Zalgo's corpse to a cinder. There was no chance of him being resurrected now.

'Some of you are already aware of this, but, (Y/N) was a human. And has the potential to re-animate into a Creepypasta.'

Slender began.

'Nineteen years ago, before I had all of you at my mansion with me. I knew a woman. Her name, Fiora. I broke a Creepypasta law because I let her live when I should have killed her. Fiora was (Y/N)'s mother.'
(I didn't quite know whether to call them laws because I can't really picture a bunch of cold blooded killers following laws...)

To be quite honest, nothing shocked me anymore. I didn't have the energy to respond. I was empty. And the empty abyss was slowly being filled with a poison. A poison know as depression.

Slender continued;
'A few months after we met, Fiora came to me saying that her husband had got her pregnant. I know what you're thinking, shouldn't she be happy? But, like many relationships, she was being abused. Fiora and I were soul mates. I loved her more than anything else. Around nine months later she came running to me. Holding a new born child. She was being chased. By the monstrous man that was her husband. He thought she was being unfaithful to him. She gave me the baby. And begged me to leave, to save her baby. That night, I killed Fiora's husband, but it was too late. She was beyond saving. Fiora died peacefully by my side. As she was dying, I promise I would protect her daughter.'

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