Chapter Nineteen

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I've made a new BEN Drowned X Reader story.🕸

The sound of Jeff, BEN and Smile running faded away leaving me with an eerie silence. I wiped the blood off my knives. My black T-Shirt had blood splattered on it leaving darker patches and, in certain places, dried blood stained my hands.

I saw a couple of guards up ahead. They weren't just any old guards. They were Zalgo's guards!
I took a step into the darkness and whistled. They turned their attention towards the sound.
"What was that?" One of them grunted.
"It's probably one of the intruders! We must protect master!" The other whisper screamed. I highly doubted that Zalgo needed 'protecting'. As his power was on the same level as Slenderman's. The stupid guards ran towards my hiding place as I stepped into the open.
Their faces dropped and were replaced with an expression of pure horror.
"It's Deadly Nightshade!" One of them gasped.
"S-she's back!"
I approached the two guards who were fumbling as they readied their weapons. 'Some guards.' I thought. Within the blink of an eye I threw two knives and skewered both the guards in the chest. This was child's play.

I sprinted over to the doors of Zalgo's chambers and stood in front of them. I could run away right now. Escape this death trap and leave this life behind. Or I could go in there and fight. Do what I have to do. Win or lose. I'm determined to win.

I took a torch from the cave and held it in front of me. I reached out and hesitantly opened the door. The room was pitch black apart from the fire light the poured in from the outside caves. Zalgo was nowhere to be seen. My heart raced and I could hear the blood roaring in my ears. It was quiet, too quiet. I made a 360 degree turn peering into the dark corners of the room. Still nothing. I felt like I was about to be sick I was so scarred.
'Maybe I shou-' Suddenly I was knocked over by a harsh gust of wind. I fell into the ground my torch scattering to the other side of the room.

The door slammed shut and instantaneously the torches in the room were illuminated. My breath was caught right at the back of my throat. There he was. Zalgo. Hunched over in the corner of the room like some sort of inhumane creature his red eyes glinting. He grinned sadistically and crept towards me.
"Well look who it is." He purred. My limbs felt like led. They wouldn't move, they were frozen in place.

He shape shifted into his human form and stood up a few feet away from me.
"Oh (Y/N), you had such potential." He said shaking his head. "Well, how does it feel being here again?" He finished his voice patronising.
"Zalgo... I'm going to kill you..." I hissed finally getting my legs to function as I struggled to my feet.
"Awwwww, how sweet. A weak decrepit human wants to kill me." He chuckled.
"HUMAN? I'm not! I'm a Creepypasta!" I argued. There was no way this was true! Zalgo broke into hysterical laughter.
"Have you ever wondered why you were the only one who got older while you lived here? Or was it just pure chance that Clockwork was always the same age as she is now?"
"Wh-what do you mean?" I stuttered taking a step back a cold feeling of dread consuming me.
"You are not a Creepypasta (Y/N). You are a mortal. You are a human." Zalgo said his fiery, red eyes burning a hole in my chest.
"Then how..." I said, astonished. How had I been so blind? All this time...

(Please go with what Zalgo says. I know this is not how all CreepyPastas are formed but just go with it for the sake of this chapter. I will justify it in later chapters)

"The only living part of a Creepypasta is their soul. The rest of the body is dead. When a person dies, their soul has the potential to reanimate, turning them into a Creepypasta. But, a person can only reanimate if they are pure evil."
Zalgo lunged towards me and smashed me into the wall. I yelped in pain as Zalgo laughed sadistically.
"But all you feel is guilt!" Zalgo yelled. I squirmed under his grip but his strength was superior to mine.
"There's no evil inside you! Your not worthy of becoming one of us. When I kill you, your soul will simply slip away and you'll never be immortal and strong like a Creepypasta! If I let you live, you'll just carry on ageing, and when your old and frail, your 'friends' will be as youthful as they are now! Hahahahahaha!!!!!! Why don't you just give up (Y/N)? Besides, what do you have to live for?"
Zalgo threw me across the dungeon. My collision with the stone wall would have been almost unbearably painful if I wasn't burning with fury. It had numbed me. I saw red. My hearing was disfigured. But I didn't care. Zalgo had pushed me over the edge and now I was falling. Falling into oblivion.
I pinpointed Zalgo's whereabouts and lunged for him. As expected he dodged and swerved around. He was still in his human form. He was holding a dagger that was crusted with old blood. He shoved me to the ground, my knife  was knocked out my hand and scattered to the floor. Zalgo pinned me down.
"Your time is up (Y/N). Do you want to admit your defeat?" He purred as I struggled. I stretched my hand out to try to grasp my blade. Nothing. My fingers slightly brushed the handle. I stretched so hard I thought I was going to dislocate my shoulder. My fingers kept pushing he knife further and further away. Despair began to set in and I squirmed even more. Zalgo raised his knife over my chest. He lifted his arms above his head and grinned at me. My fingers gripped my knife. I scraped it into my palm and dug it into Zalgo's back. He roared in pain and I rolled to the side avoiding his knife the crashed down onto the hard floor. I sprinted over to Zalgo, he was full of rage. His eyes looked as though they were going to set on fire. I was astounded that he was still in his human form.

He wasn't playing games anymore - Zalgo was going in for the kill. He was blinded by anger and his scarlet blood painted the floor. He ran full pelt towards me and closed my eyes and braced myself. I held my knife in front me. I wasn't expecting it to be much help tho. Zalgo collided with me. His weight knocked us both back across the dungeon so we were both leaning up against the wall. I expected Zalgo to get up and destroy my heart. But no. All the colour flushed from my face at what I saw. Zalgo's body slumped to the ground, limp. Dead. My knife had pierced his soul.

I tried to take a step towards Zalgo's corpse but I suddenly fell on my side. A hot sticky feeling brewed around my stomach. 'No... He couldn't possibly have...' I thought as I peered down at my stomach. But it was true. There by my stomach was a bloody wound. He'd stabbed me. My head felt fuzzy from the blood loss and my breathing became shallower with every breath I took.

Memories of Slenderman Mansion filled my head. Memories of little Sally hugging me when I first arrived. The friendship I had with Jane and Nina. I thought about the party and the cleaning job the next day. And my love hate relationship with Jeff. How I had never been sure if I loved him or not. How I lied to myself saying I hated him. Now everything became clear. I was in love with him. There was no doubt about it. Now I've defeated Zalgo maybe he'll remember me fondly?
I stopped for a second and halfheartedly tried to spit the blood from my mouth.
Tears formed in the corners of my eyes and I could feel the pools of blood by my side getting bigger. I had done it. I had proved my loyalty.

"I'm free..." I whispered as I closed my eyes. I took one final breath. My senses dimmed, my pain numbed, my memories faded and I slipped away into darkness.

Chapter 20 shall be with you shortly! I hope you enjoyed it! See you in the chapter! 🐚

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