Chapter Thirteen

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All around BEN's room there was junk, bits of food, video games and clothes strew around the room.
"You wan-" I began but Jeff shoved me to the floor.
"You're not allowed to speak!" He laughed as he sat on the bed with BEN playing video games.
"Tidy BEN's room." Jeff said.
I will get my revenge on him.
"I'll shove you both off a cliff!!!!" I screeched as I threw a rotting banana skin at Jeff.
"Awwww you're so cute when you're mad!" BEN tormented.
"SHUT IT YOU F***ING MORON!" I hissed but Jeff and BEN just laughed more.
I crawled around the corner of BEN's bed and smirked deviously to myself.
There before me was an unfinished microwave curry. If it wasn't for my burning rage I think in would have thrown up, but I decided to use this to get my point across. I shall not be owned!

Jeff and BEN were facing away from me and I silently walked towards them, the curry in my hand.

I poured it onto Jeff's and BEN's head as I cackled like crazy.
"WHAT THE HECK (Y/N)!" They both yelled in sync as I darted out of the door.
"GET THAT BI**H!" BEN sounded.
I swerved around a corner and hid in a bathroom standing behind the shower curtain.
BEN teleported inside. 'I forgot he could do that...' I thought as I face palmed. He unlocked the door so Jeff could come in.

"(Y/N), I'm coming!" BEN said in a failed creepy voice. You'd think he'd be good at that wouldn't you?

"You still have to carry out you're bet!" Jeff said.
I grabbed the shower head and held it in front of me. BEN pulled over the shower curtain fully exposing me.
"Come here!!!!" He laughed.
"No! No! No! You sucker!" I laughed as saw his face covered in curry. I held the shower head out in front me and switched on the water.
"No!!!!!! YOU BI**HY DEMON!!!!" BEN wailed as he glitches like crazy running out of the room. By now I was soaked but laughing like crazy.

Jeff threw himself into the bath tub and I pointed the shower head at him.
"LOSER!" I sneered as Jeff threw himself towards me.
"Ahh!" I screamed as I fell on my back in the slippy tub.
"Get off me!!!" I yelled as Jeff held me down and yanked the shower head out of my grip and started spraying me with it.

"What the f**k are you two doing?!?!" Jane shouted, confused.
Jeff and I turned to see everyone from outside starring at us. 

I have come up with some more ideas! Yay!  💕💕💕💕

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