Chapter Twenty Five

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There will be a Book three!
(Y/N) POV~

Well I think you deserve to find out your results." The man said.
I nodded and looked at the mans blank shadow for a face.
"I have come to decision - a strange one if I do say so myself. Your soul is vast and original. I couldn't possibly just kill it. So I am going to send you back to the surface,"
He spoke as I filled with hope.

"You are to be reborn - as a human."

"Wh-what?!" I yelled.
"Oh don't worry, you won't remember a thing about your past life." He said sweetly.
"That's not what I'm f*cking sad about!" I yelled feeling a lump press against my through as I blinked the tears away.
"Trust me sweetheart, you'll go down in history." He said cheerily. "Now you'd better be off now!"
"What's going to happen to my dead body!" I screamed as everything began to fade away.
"Hmm, you really want to know?" He replied as I felt my self being pulled.
"YES!" I screamed as the force made me fall to my hands and knees.
"You'll decompose! They'll think you're dead! Ahaha! You'll never see them again!" The man laughed.
"NO!" I yelled. As I cried, I tried to grip onto the floor. No success.

My last memories of that life were screaming, sobbing and despair as the portal threw me into oblivion.

Meanwhile in Jeff's world

(A/N IMPORTANT: This part is set from chapter twenty three onwards - go back and read some of it if you have to <3
and goes back to when Jeff was 'renewing' his smile in chapter twenty three)

~Third Person Narrative~

Jeff was satisfied with his freshly cut smile. Once he had finished he decided to visit the graves of Sally, Nina and Liu. Maybe that would make him realise that it was good (Y/N) was finally gone. He sighed and left his room walking into the uncanny mansion. The sun was setting and darks clouds were spread throughout the skies. Jeff left the mansion and walked through the thick woods to the small cemetery. There stood three grave stones that Slender had created. These stones brought back bitter memories.
Memories of the day (Y/N) betrayed them...

He lowered his head and looked remorsefully at Liu's grave.
Ten years ago. The night Jeff turned insane. The memories played through his mind as he stood there filled with shame.

Jeff loved death. He loved the intense feeling of euphoria as he ran from police sirens, he loved the look of despair his victims gave him as he sliced into their soft skin. He couldn't live without it.
His brother on the other hand? No. Liu was sweet and kind. Not a killer. Not Sully. And it was all Jeff's fault. For he had cursed him to live a never ending life of murder.

(A/N: I know the official Jeff the killer doesn't care about his brother but in this story he does. I'm pretty sure Jeff's official age is 15 but he's 17 in this story. And I've made Liu his younger brother as it wasn't stated whether or not he was older or younger than Jeff.)

~Jeff POV~

I was seventeen when it all happened. When I moved house - next to Jane - in the neighbourhood full of bullies.
Randy, Troy and Keith. My blood boils every time I think about them. Beating them up was the biggest mistake of my life. I closed my eyes in pleasure as I thought about the day I finally slaughtered them.

The way I killed off those three was extra special. I made sure they knew I was coming. And I killed them slowly and painfully - savouring every moment of it.
If I wasn't immortal, I should be around 27 now. But instead I'm still 17. And I will be forever.
I slumped down opposite Liu's grave and sighed.

The Scars of Loving You (Jeff The Killer X Reader) [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now