Chapter Eighteen

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Why don't you just give up now?" Bloody Painter hissed from behind his mask. "The other assassins are coming, and when they do, you'll be done for."
I gritted my teeth and looked at the two Zalgo worshippers.
Jeff had his knives, BEN had his sword and Smile had his jaws. The odds of us winning were slim. But there was still a chance.

I drew one of my many throwing knives from my waist band.
Smile dog rammed into the Rake sending him flying into the cavern wall letting out a hiss of pain.
The Bloody Painter lunged at us and he dodged BEN's attacks with ease. The sound of running echoed through my ears. The assassins were coming. The Bloody Painter lunged for me as I skidded towards the noise, his icy hands grabbing onto my leg making me slam into the floor. I gasped in pain and slashed my dagger through his arm making blood spew over me. I took the time to twist out of his grip and run to find the rest of the assassins.

Judge Angel was standing in my way. She was trouble. We never got along even when I lived here.
She drew her long sword and stood before me.
"I always told everyone you were bad news, but no. Nobody ever listens do they?" She said. "Now look where we are."
"Yes, I am bad news," I began sending an icy glare in her direction. "But you're even worse." I hissed throwing one of me knives at her. It skimmed her arm and I made a forward roll towards Judge Angel. My largest knife clashed with her sword and I kicked her hard in the stomach sending her a few metres backwards. I could tell Judge Angel had improved - but so have I.
We fought vigorously for a few minutes until I heard BEN, Jeff and Smile.
"(Y/N)!" They yelled as they ran over to my aid.
"Idiots! Get away!" Judge Angel hissed as she sped off into the darkness. I began to move to chase her but Jeff grabbed my arm.
"Don't be stupid (Y/N). It's not worth it." He said as I panted, my small wounds stinging.
I pulled out of his grip and stormed over to the main centre. Zalgo's chambers.
"Come on you three," I said without turning towards them. "This isn't over yet."

The caves were sinister. Full of gloom. No emotion whatsoever. The three things that represented Zalgo. His chambers were near here. His superior strength was no match for mine. After all, I know almost everything he does.
I stopped abruptly and turned to look at Jeff, Smile Dog and BEN. Three CreepyPasta's that have supported me, despite all the horrific things I have done to them.
I looked at the ground, my hair covering my face. (you know the drill with different hair lengths🙄) my voice was quiet, barely more than a whisper.
"Why are you helping me?"
There were a few moments of silence until Jeff spoke up.
"Because we want to forgive you." He said. I blinked back my tears. I was pathetic. I was acting like a spoiled little girl drowning in self pity.

"I-I'm going to carry on alone." I stuttered.
"What?! You ca-" BEN protested but I cut him off.
"I have to. Take this," I began handing Jeff a glass ball. "Keep going back the way we came and help the others. If you ever get lost just smash this on the ground. It'll summon a portal right back to Slender woods."
"What are you doing?" Jeff asked anxiously.
"Just leave me to it." I said, my voice cold. Jeff looked as though he was contemplating on saying something but decided against it. He curtly nodded his head. "Thank you." He said beginning to jog away along with BEN. Smile lingered behind whining by my feet.
"Go Smile." I said firmly as I left to find Zalgo. I'm going to prove my loyalty - even if it's the last thing I do.

This was fun to write! Next chapter is ACTION packed!👀🐚👀😱🕸🕸 Hoped you liked it! 💕💕

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