Chapter Seventeen

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Let's go." I said taking a step into the glowing red light.
Before I could take in a breath I was on the other side, in the dark caves that I grew up in. I drew my knives and waited for everyone to step through the portal.
Slenderman was the last to come out and Smile ran over to my side. I scratched his ears affectionately and approached Clockwork.
I nodded to everyone and walked silently through the caverns. Memories came flooding back to me of when I was a child and when I went exploring around here with Clockwork and Dark Link. I always found it fascinating.

"We'll be getting nearer to the guards soon." I whispered only to Clockwork. She nodded and we saw the fire torches burning at the opposite end of the cavern.
I stayed hidden in the shadows as we crept closer to the guards.
'We have to dispose of them before they notice we're here and raise the alarm...' I thought.

I was now merely metres away. Without a second thought, Clockwork and I pounced onto the oblivious guards.
I tackled one to the ground and forcefully covered his mouth. I hastily grasped my knife and sliced it into his neck, his sticky blood covering my finger tips. I shoved his corpse to the ground and I hid it in the darkness.
"You can all come out." I whispered.

Everyone cautiously emerged from the gloom. Zalgo and the assassins lived towards the centre of the underworld. The fist guards were posited around the outskirts of the centre. So from now on guards could be anywhere.

I wasn't wasting any time. I went swiftly through the caverns. I heard sounds about thirty metres away.
'I'll handle these guards (Y/N).' Slenderman sent (only to me). I nodded my head briefly and Slenderman extended his tentacles and grabbed the Zalgo worshippers. It disgusted me that I used to be like them - but not anymore. Today I will prove that.

Slenderman killed the guards and we carried on into the main section of the underworld. This is where things will get tricky. The assassins train in the main sector, if they see us the alarm will certainly be raised.
I ran through the humid caves taking the lead whilst Clockwork took the rear.

The sound of a blade falling to the floor echoed through the caves. Our cover was blown.
"Everyone get ready!" Jeff shouted as he got into a fighting stance. The sound of the alarm filled my ears and I bit down on my tongue, the irony taste of blood filled my mouth. The dark side of me liked the taste.
"Come on!" I rasped as we towards the centre. There was no turning back now. I don't really care if I die. To be quite honest - I deserve it.

I sprinted around a corner with Smile Dog at my side his heavy paws skidding on the ground.

Guards came running towards us. Along with the assassins!
"Half stay with Clockwork! Half with me!" I yelled. Jeff, BEN and smile ran towards me. We were heading towards Zalgo's lair. We were going to be facing the toughest of the tough.

A trio of guards blocked our path. One of them came running towards me holding a metal mace. He clumsily swung it at my head. I swiftly ducked and rolled forwards. The stunned guard was about to turn around but I cut him short by plunging my knife into the back of his head. I glanced at Jeff, BEN and Smile.
"You guys alright?" I said quickly, wiping the brain matter from my dagger.
"Yep." BEN said as the four of us went jogging on through the under realm.
"The assassins will be around here." I said through deep gasps as I ran.

"Ah!" I screamed as something came plummeting into me. I thrashed my arms and legs and looked at my attacker. It was the Rake! Smile dog threw himself onto the savage creature giving me a change to regain my senses. I swerved my head to see The Bloody Painter standing before me.

(I don't really think that the Bloody painter would be with Zalgo but I had to make some characters bad. So..... sorry not sorry🙄)

The last time I saw him was the day when I left the underworld to go to the surface. The day that changed my life. The Rake scrambled away from the snarling Smile and hunched over next to the Bloody Painter.
"Why don't you just give up now?" Bloody Painter hissed from behind his mask. "The other assassins are coming, and when they do, you'll be done for."

I've said the words 'I' 'ran' 'sprint' and 'swerved' way too many times... XD Lol, hope you liked it. Part 18 is on the way!

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