Chapter Twenty

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~~3rd Person POV (one time only!) ~~

This chapter takes place at the same time as chapter nineteen. It's important, please don't skip it.

Jeff was running through the gloomy caves of the underworld. His feet hammered on the ground as he went. Maybe if he focused on running he'd be able to ignore the remorse he was feeling for leaving (Y/N) alone. But that was no good. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't quite shake the feeling of guilt out of his system.
"Do you think (Y/N) is going to be okay?" Asked BEN as he struggled to keep up with his tall friend.
Jeff just grunted and kept looking ahead of him. He couldn't think about what might happen to (Y/N). He knew for a fact that she wasn't a traitor. Only Jeff saw what (Y/N) did to Zalgo. When he was being attacked by the demon, she stabbed him hard. Pouring out her anger and sadness into that one almighty blow. And it was because of that almighty blow that Jeff lived to see another day. Deep down Jeff knew that (Y/N) saved his life.

Inside his head, Jeff slapped himself. He had failed. He was thinking about (Y/N). It was distracting him. He followed his heightened sense of hearing. He could hear the proxies from far away. They needed help. Jeff could tell that BEN and Smile dog were thinking the same thing as they both were racing through the caves towards the sound. Smile, being a dog, had the strongest hearing and smell out the three. So they followed his lead.

Jeff ploughed on. He had to help the others. They could aid (Y/N) afterwards. Dried blood had crusted over his knives, however, he didn't try to clean them. The chances are they'd get even more bloody very soon. Jeff stopped abruptly. He felt like a sixth sense was pulling him back. Like this sixth sense was telling him that (Y/N) was in danger.
"Are you okay?" BEN asked as he jogged to Jeff's side. Jeff stood still for a few seconds, the sense still consuming all his concentration. Suddenly he was snapped back to reality.
"Uh, yeah." Jeff said hastily as he broke into a sprint. He had to ignore it. Jeff felt like it was his conscience pulling him in. Although, Jeff knew that his conscience no longer existed. He'd shut out the good side of him years ago. All that remained was evil. An evil crave for death and destruction.

Jeff, BEN and Smile finally arrived at the source of the noise. The Bloody Painter, Judge Angel, Dark Link and The Rake were attacking Clockwork, Masky, Toby and Hoodie. Grinny cat was also there.
"Over here!" BEN started holding out his sword. "Don't touch our friends!"

BEN suddenly noticed Slenderman was nowhere to be seen. The assassins charged at BEN, Jeff and Smile. BEN dodged an attack from Judge Angel and spun around so he could pierce her with his blade. She yelped in pain and tried to land a blow on the blonde. However, BEN just glitched out of the way.
"Where's Slendy?" He yelled over the commotion. BEN wasn't exactly expecting an answer but he called out regardless.
"He went to find Zalgo! Where's (Y/N)?" Clockwork replied her voice laced with worry.
"I'm pretty sure (Y/N) went to find Zalgo as well!" BEN replied slashing at Grinny cat.

Clockwork stumbled over. Her faced showed pure horror and fear.
"NO! (Y/N) CAN'T FACE ZALGO! HE'LL KI-" Clockwork was hammered into the floor by the rake. She gasped in pain and writhed furiously in attempt to free herself.
"Clockwork!" BEN yelled as he slammed his foot into the Rakes ribs. The creature went skidding across the floor yowling in pain. Clockwork sprung to her feet.
"Thanks BEN." She said hastily as she threw herself back into the battle.

Jeff over heard the brief conversation between BEN and Clockwork. Hearing that Slenderman had gone to find Zalgo had made him feel as though he had finally taken in air after holding his breath for five minutes. But that relief was short lived. Clockworks horrified reaction to BEN's statement had made Jeff feel even worse than he had done before. He began to wonder whether the irrational 'sixth sense' he was feeling was in fact a warning that (Y/N) was in real danger. 'Slenderman will protect her.' Jeff told himself over and over as he fought with The Bloody Painter.

Their knives clashed together so quickly it was a wonder either of them could keep up. But Jeff's years of training hadn't gone to waste. Their dispute was mostly based around the abdomen. Jeff knew that in order to over power his skilled opponent he had to change the position of his attacks. But that was easier said than done. Jeff's knife once again collided with The Bloody Painters weapon and for a brief moment there was a clear opportunity to strike. Jeff swerved his leg around and slammed it into the stomach of his enemy. The Bloody Painter gasped from behind his mask and was knocked to the ground. His face exposed. Jeff pinned him down in an instant and without hesitation plunged his blade into the soul of his opposition. The Bloody Painters eyes widened for several seconds before the life was drained from them. His body fell limp and Jeff hauled the corpse of the assassin over his shoulder. Jeff felt no remorse for what he did to the painter. In his eyes, The Bloody Painter deserved a long bloody, death. But sometimes Jeff's sadism was a little too much to bear.

"YOU'VE LOST!" Jeff roared at the top of his lungs. His yell was so loud that it stopped all the commotion all around him.
Jeff forcefully threw the dead body down in front of the speechless assassins.
"Your comrade is dead! And I was the one who killed him! I'll kill all of you! You pieces of sh*t!" Jeff shouted. And all the CreepyPastas in the room knew he was deadly serious.
The Rake lay unconscious as did Judge Angel. The only ones left standing were Dark Link and Grinny Cat.
"Go..." Dark Link said quietly as he collapsed to his knees. Nobody moved a muscle. "GO!!!!!" He cried as he broke down into tears. Jeff walked over to Clockwork.
"What next?" He asked as the whole ground of CreepyPastas left the cave. Luckily, there were no fatalities, but some of the CreepyPastas were very badly injured. Masky could hardly walk but his spirits were still high.
Clockwork opened her mouth to respond to Jeff but Slenderman beat her to it. He sent a message in everyone's head.

'Children, I need you to come to me. I have sent my whereabouts to Clockwork. There is something very important I have to show you.'

"Follow me everyone." Clockwork said as she took the lead. One question lingered in everyone's mind. What did Slenderman want to show them?

If you guys like BEN check out my new BEN drowned X Reader :)
I hope you liked it! Chapter Twenty-One out soon!

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