Chapter Twenty Two

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EXPLANATION: Okay I'm soooooo sorry guys :( this part was completed TWO DAYS AGO!!!! TWO FREAKING  DAYS!!! However, Wattpad was being a total bitch and wasn't letting me publish it!! So I've added this authors note.

Once again I'm really sorry for the wait guys. :( I hope it's worth it! Xxx btw this is the longest chapter I have ever written so yeah I've tried to make it up to you. It's 2823 words. My average is like 1000.

3rd Person POV~

This chapter is a continuation of chapter twenty. And runs parallel with chapter twenty one. Enjoy.
Btw you have to pay attention to the different Things like POV changes ETC

~ meanwhile in Jeff's world... ~

'Children, I need you to come to me. I have sent my whereabouts to Clockwork. There is something very important I have to show you.'

Jeff and everyone else were running as fast as they could to Slenderman. Clockwork stopped inhaling in deep breaths.
"Slenderman is behind those doors." She said as she made her way to open them.
She yanked open he heavy doors and the group of CreepyPastas peered inside the large room.

As the group approached the door, Jeff and BEN somehow ended up at the back. Jeff wasn't quite sure what to expect on the other side of the door. But he wasn't expecting this.

His eyes settled on the scene in front of him. Everyone - even Slenderman - was observing the scene in pure horror. Jeff felt as though he was going insane all over again. Madness was pulsing through him, just like it had the night he killed (excluding Liu if you count him) his family. But he couldn't tear his eyes away from what was in front of him.

Zalgo's corpse lying on the floor. His souls pierced. However Jeff was more focused on the other corpse. The corpse of (Y/N).
She lay limp on the floor. (Y/N) was barely recognisable. She was curled up in a pool of scarlet blood that was smudged around the floor. He hair was knotted and her skin was covered in the red liquid.
'This can't be real? How can they both be dead?' Jeff thought as he desperately scanned (Y/N)'s body for any signs of life.

Clockwork was crouched down by her friends body. She could feel the lump in her throat and they tears threatening to fall from her good eye. She'd had such high hopes, that this mission was worthwhile. But nothing was worth the loss of your best friend. She'd rather have died a thousand times that ever have to watch (Y/N) pass on. She though of (Y/N) like more of a younger sister as oppose to a friend. She'd watched (Y/N) grown up as she joined Zalgo when (Y/N) was still young. Clockwork brushed her hand over her friends cold body in attempt to wipe away some of he blood. However it just smudged and coated her hand. And then, out of the corner of her good eye, a tear fell. She hadn't cried since before she turned into a Creepypasta. It was a trait of humanity, which is something most, if not all, CreepyPastas don't have. But (Y/N) had cried, and Clockwork had soon figured out that she was different. And she had made it her number one priority to protect her until she no longer needed protecting. And Clockwork had failed. (Y/N) was dead. And she could easily have prevented it. "This is my fault..." Clockwork sighed quietly.
'It is nobodies fault child.' Slenderman said in attempt to comfort the girl as she mourned for the loss of her friend.

Jeff on the other hand, was cold as ice. He, as well as many others, just stared blankly at the girl who was dead on the floor.

~ Jeff POV!~

My knuckles were white (a/n: they probably already were but just go with it) from clenching my fists too hard. It didn't seem real. I felt as though she'd just wake up and start laughing. Clockwork was next to her body while Slenderman was examining Zalgo's corpse for any signs of life. How did she kill Zalgo? He's too strong! But if she did, she payed the ultimate price. Her life. Zalgo wasn't worth (Y/N). Or maybe that was just the selfish part of me speaking... Selfish because I felt as though a piece of me had died with her. There was something different about (Y/N), not the cheesy 'oh she was the only thing in the whole world that could make me smile' sort of thing. It was more like she was feeling more than she let on. Like she could feel the things we couldn't. There are many emotions that are locked away when a person makes the transition into a Creepypasta. And these feeling are extremely hard if not impossible to restore.

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