Chapter Twenty One

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This was quite tricky to write. But I got there in the end! Sorry for extra wait!

I'm off school for the Summer now so I'll have lots of time to update! ❤️


The light to was too blinding to adjust to at first. After some time my eyes became accustom to the somewhat artificial light. I sat up and looked at my surrounding. Everything around me was white. It looked like it went on infinitely.

My memories flooded back to me. Zalgo's earsplitting roar, the pain, the truth, the blood... Oh there was so much blood... I felt as though I could have drowned in it. Am I... -d-dead? I felt as though I should be breaking down in tears right about now. But nothing came.

My (s/c) skin was no longer stained with blood. It was immaculate. So clean it looked like it was sparkling. I had no wounds and my pain was non existent. My hair was down and brushed to perfection. No longer knotted with dried blood and sweat. I was wearing a long, white dress that looked rather similar to a hospital gown. It stopped around my shins and and I wasn't wearing any shoes. I stood up and looked around me. 'What is this place?'

My eyes stopped on two figures. I couldn't make out who they were from the distance. I hesitantly took a step forward. I felt no pain when I moved. Before I couldn't stand up I had lost so much blood... And then everything just faded and disappeared. I walked toward the figures not quite sure what to expect.
I stopped in my tracks. It was Sally and Nina.

I stared in dismay. Was I dead? Is this the afterlife? Never had I ever imagined to see Sally or Nina again. Yet here they were. Standing right in front of me. Perfectly healthy.
My words were caught right at the back of my throat.
"Congratulations saviour." Nina said her voice calm. She swiftly approached me, softly touching the side of my face.
"You've defeated Zalgo, (Y/N). Your utmost ambition has been fulfilled."
Sally smiled sincerely at me.
I looked Nina in the eyes.
"W-what do you mean?" I stammered. My hands were shaking violently.
"There is no need to be afraid." Sally said. She sounded older and more mature. Her voice was soothing and it calmed me to some extent.
"There are two different things that can happen to you (Y/N)." Nina began. "You are to reanimate or die."

I remembered what Zalgo told me about the revival of the soul. Only pure evil he said. 'Am I evil?'
"Am I dead?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yes." Sally replied.
"Then how am I awake? How am remembering everything? This is insane!" I said shaking my head.
"This is simply an illusion. Your soul is still alive. That is how you are seeing us." Nina explained.
I suddenly noticed I wasn't breathing and my body was ice cold.
"How on earth do I reanimate?" I asked.
"That is something you alone must discover." Sally said. Nina took her hand and they began to walk away together.
"Stop! How am I supposed to 'discover' it?" I yelled. As I moved to chase after them I saw their bodies fade into the bright light.

"SALLY! NINA! PLEASE!" I begged hoping they'd reappear.
I ran aimlessly around the ongoing space around me.
I screamed in frustration and slumped to the floor. The bright light around me began to fade. And before I knew it, it was all gone.


~~Second person POV~~

You were not exactly sure how much time had passed. And you memory of the first illusion had deteriorated. The only thing you could remember was that you were dead. You were wearing all black this time and you were armed with two large daggers. Your hair (if it's medium/long) was pulled into a slightly loose pony tail and you were wearing a pair of boots. Your heart would have been pounding harder than ever before, however, it had stopped functioning - so all you felt was a cold emptiness.
'I wonder if I can still feel pain?' You thought as you pulled out a dagger. You sliced it into you skin.

You were met by a stinging sensation and and small amount of blood.
"How is this possible?" You pondered as you observed your surroundings. You were in the middle of a forest. (picture in the media however the setting you're in is not black and white) It was dark and harrowing. However you felt no fear. If anything the spooky setting made you feel at ease. You stood up and walked along the dirty path your feet crunching on dead leaves as you went.

~~back to (Y/N) POV~~

I walked steadily through the forest. It was different to Slender forest. Like one of those haunted woods that was described in 'scary' stories. The way the trees curved over the top of the path as if attempting to block out the sun light. The light here was grey and bland. It was as if there was a grey blanket of cloud draped over the area.
I have given up on logic. Because how can I been walking around, thinking and remembering my life when I'm dead?
I gently brushed my finger over the blade of one of my knives before putting back in my waistband.
'Why have I got these?' I thought as carried on walking. Everywhere in this forest looked he same. Old me would have been panicking, considering I just woke up here. Although nothing about this place really bothered me.
I heard a twig snap and I stopped abruptly. I swerved around and tried my best to look through the thick trees. An inhumane groan broke the silence of the woods. I turned my attention to source of the noise.

A repulsive creature was crouched down several metres away from me. It looked quite similar to the Rake, however it reeked of rotting flesh and it was soaked in blood and entrails. Despite being a monster, The Rake had intelligence and ability to fight. But this thing was just a rabid animal. Nothing more. All that it wanted was something to sink its teeth into.

The Rake like monster growled and sprung towards me. I ripped one of my knives out it's holster and sliced it into the creature. It's revolting blood splattered over me. I rammed the body of the monster into the ground.
The thing writhed around and made a gurgling noise as blood tricked out of its jaws. Then it lay still. I dropped to my knees and broke into sobs. I liften my head and sat silently for a moment looking at the dead thing. Then suddenly I let out a giggle. Then a proper laugh. And then another. Before I knew it I was in stitches. Laughing through my tears. Death was hilarious. Death was beautiful. Death was magical. I wanted it. I needed it.

More Rake Like creatures emerged from the shadows. I grinned and bounced to my feet. A couple of them lunged at me like my first victim. I laughed and sliced them open getting soaked in their blood. It was splattered over my face and dripped onto my mouth as I smiled barbarically. I screamed and cackled in exhilaration as I cut into the savage monsters. I ripped my hair out of my pony tail and carried on killing the creatures as my strands of hair covered my face. Before I knew it the ground was littered with corpse. I fell into the blood bath that was the floor.
After a few minutes a soft voice sounded inside my head.
"You've completed the trial." It said.
'Trial?' I though as I sat in the pile of bodies.
My mind wasn't functioning properly. The woods that surrounded me began to move. "What the..." I whispered. A thing that looked very similar to a portal opened up a few feet away from me. It began to pull things in like a black hole. I didn't have much time to react, before I too was pulled inside.

Like I said, I found this really tricky to write for some reason. XD lol. Well expect much more regular updates and I'll see you in Chapter Twenty Two! Thank you so much for reading!

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