Chapter Twelve

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I have writers block... Sorry this update is quite short :(

Ouch! Get of me!" I huffed as I struggled under Jeff's weight.
"Ah!" I screamed as he slipped his blade gently over my neck just enough to draw blood.
His face was inches away from the crook of my neck.
"I win the bet. You're mine now..." He chuckled his hot breath piecing my icy skin.
I tensed in fear at his sudden personality change.
"Get up you piece of sh**, you're mine to control for the next 24 hours." Jeff said as I struggled to my feet my neck stinging.

"We're going to go back to the mansion and then your instructions will begin." He said as I stalked along behind him in a huff.
'I can't believe I let that happen! I'm such an idiot!' I thought as I mentally slapped myself.

"Hey Splendy!" Jeff called as we walked over to Splendorman.
"Hello Jeff!"
"We're going back." Jeff said as we walked to the mansion.
When we arrived we saw everyone gathered in the clearing. Splendorman ran into the mansion presumably to pester Slenderman and I reluctantly followed Jeff.
Clockwork ran over to me.
"Hey (Y/N)! How are you?" She asked and I opened my mouth to reply but I was rudely silenced by Jeff.
"She's mine to control Clockwork," Jeff grinned. "She has to do whatever I say for 24 hours." Jeff laughed as I grumbled.
"Come on b**ch!" He laughed dragging me towards BEN.

"Hey BEN! (Y/N) has to do everything I say. I won a bet we made. Shall we get her to clean your room?" Jeff sniggered.
"Heck yeah!" BEN cheered as both Jeff and BEN dragged me into the mansion and into BEN's room. I wanted to cut them both to pieces!!!!!!! All around BEN's room there was junk, bits of food, video games and clothes strew around the room.
"You wan-" I began but Jeff shoved me to the floor.
"You're not allowed to speak!" He laughed as he sat on the bed with BEN playing video games.
"Tidy BEN's room." Jeff said.
I will get my revenge on him.

I'm sorry this update is short, I have some great ideas for the upcoming chapters but I haven't really got many ideas for what's going on in present chapters. 😁 Updates will be out soon and I will push through this writers block!😂 see you soon!

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