Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up extra early, 5:00 am. I crept down the hallways silently. Slenderman said he'd wake everyone at six am. I left the mansion and stepped through the snow over to the weapons shed. I decided that I'd get out everyone weapons from here. Not everyone kept their weapons in the shed but quite a few did. I got out BEN's sword, Clockworks knives and Toby's hatchets. Everyone else had theirs with them.
I brought them inside and laid them on the table.
5:12am. I grumbled and sharpened my knives. I couldn't sit still, I was over thinking everything.

~Time Skip to 6am~

Slenderman woke everyone up and I awaited their arrival in the hall. Clockwork came and sat next to me.
"I can't believe we're going back there." She said clutching her knife.
"It's for the best." I said strongly. But in reality I was terrified. What if we all die? It would be all my fault! I can't have even more blood on my hands.

~Time skip, everyone is now downstairs.

"BEN, Jeff, Hoodie, Masky, Toby and Smile, I hope you're all rested, we are leaving shortly." I said.
'I will be outside.' Slenderman sent as he walked out of he door.
(In this story I'm making Hoodie's weapon a pipe. If you know what it is please tell me😊)

Clockwork and I walked outside closely followed by everyone else. I trudged through the thick snow out into the clearing.
I summoned a portal and took in a shaky breath as the red glow blurred my vision slightly.

"Okay, this is not going to be easy. So listen up." Clockwork started. "This portal will take us to the back caves, the only area where there are no guards. But never let your guard down, you never know where they might be. The assassins and Zalgo are usually hanging around the centre of the cave systems. Although the alarm will be raised if we are spotted making our way there, which is highly likely to happen. If the alarm is raised we do NOT scatter." Clockwork began.
"Why not?" BEN said.
"I've mentioned this to you all before. If you don't know your way around those caves you are wondering around a labyrinth. (Y/N) and I haven't been there in around two years, but we remember it well enough. So, as I was saying, if the alarm is raised, we stick together and fight the guards. The guards are no match for us, but expect hard combat when facing the assassins. I have faith in you all." Clockwork began.
"Let's go." I said taking a step into the glowing red light.

This chapter is quite short😳but I have a plan for chapter seventeen so it should be out soon

Thank you all so much for 1K reads and over a hundred votes! I've loved reading all the comments I've been getting😊😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️
See you soon!

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