Chapter Four

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I changed the front cover 😜xxxx

~~(Y/N) POV)~~

I sat with Clockwork in the corner of the kitchen eating dinner. We weren't allowed to eat with everyone else. We're ghosts here.

Considering the circumstances everyone seemed pretty happy. Although I'm 99% sure quite a few of them are plotting to kill me.

I finished my food, washed up my plate and put it back in the cupboard.

Clockwork and I had been allowed to have showers and have been allocated a room to share. Maybe we could defeat Zalgo... Nobody knows the underworld better than me and Clockwork. We could end this! But, nobody is more powerful than Zalgo, this could be a suicide mission.

I walked along the hall ways deep in thought. The pale moonlight illuminated the floor. I sighed and starred out of the open window. It felt strange being in a proper house at night considering I had been sleeping rough for the past two years. Clockwork and I would find an old abandoned building or a tall tree to sleep in for the night. But we just kept travelling aimlessly. If we stopped Zalgo would find us. But I never expected to be found by Slenderman's group.

I walked into my room and saw Clockwork.
"Hi." I said as I chained the door shut do that nobody could get in.
"Hey, Slenderman told me we could get our weapons back tomorrow so that we could train." Clockwork said smiling.
"Awesome." I smiled as I got into my bed on the other side of the room fell asleep quickly.

The next morning I woke up early finding a small pile of clothes on the end of my bed with a note on top. It read:

Slendy made me lend you these. You BETTER give them back to me as you found them or I will KILL you.
~ Jane

'thanks.' I thought as I shook my head looking through the clothes. Slenderman must have teleported inside to give me these.

There was a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt and a black veil brides hoodie. (I'm sorry if you don't like black veil brides.)

I put on the clothes and my own shoes. I smiled as I saw my bow, arrows and knives by the door. I picked them up and left.

As I walked outside the mansion I saw BEN with EJ and LJ.
"Hey!" BEN called. I ignored him as I loaded my bow. I shot an arrow and it hit the middle of a tree.

"I was talking to you!" BEN yelled again as he approached me.
"What is it?" I said flatly as I turned towards him.
"You've got to train with us. As much we hate you, Slendy is right when he says you're our best chance of killing Zalgo." BEN said.
"Yeah. I know the under realm like the back of my hand." I said as I got my arrow from the tree.
"We will probably have to train in close combat as the tunnels are rather small. So my bow is really no use. But my knives will be affective."
I said.

(A/N: I know Ben can cause glitches in technology and video games etc I'm not sure what his weapon is, so in this story it's a sword. If any of you know please tell me! 😊)

"My sword will be good then." BEN said.
"Yeah, so will Jeff and Janes knives and Toby's hatchets." I added.
"I'm gonna go get some others to join in training, don't do anything." BEN said sternly as he walked into the new mansion.

I wonder if anyone will actually listen to me?

Hope you liked chapter four👀 Xx Thankyou Luna_moon600 and LoveBooks460 for following :)

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