Chapter Five

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After a few minutes BEN came back with Toby, Jane, Jeff, Clockwork, Masky and Hoodie.
Clockwork came to my side and faced the group.
"You will all need new training in order to fight in the underworld." I said simply.
Most of them grumbled and I sighed and began speaking: "The tunnels are dim lit and small so mostly close range fighting will be required. It's like a labyrinth down there so everyone will have to stay with either me or Clockwork." I said as I jumped down from the rock I was standing on.
"Someone come at me." I said my knives in hand.

There was no movement for a few seconds until Jane ran towards me. I kicked her hard in the stomach and sent her falling hard to the ground.

"Your attacks are too predictable Jane. Surprise is everything." I said as I offered her my hand to get up. She slapped it away and stalked back over to the crowd of creepypastas. I turned towards everyone.
"Anyone else want to try?" I said.
Everyone stood still looking at me blankly.
"Fine them." I said.
"Your all good at different things, lucky for you the regular guards in the underworld aren't the best fighters, but I can't say that about the assassins." I said as I walked around the training grounds.

"Today I'm going to teach you all the element of surprise. It's a simple but effective exercise that we are going to do. I'm going to split us into two halves. One half has to split up and hide in the woods, the other half has to split up roam the woods on high alert. The half that are hiding have to wait until they see someone of the other half walking around. It's their job to surprise attack the person who is walking around. If the person walking around is on high alert they will be able to take down their attacker. Clockwork and I will be playing as well. Do you all get it?" I said as the other CreepyPastas nodded.

"So, BEN, Jane, EJ, Hoodie are with me. Masky, Jeff, LJ, Toby are with Clockwork. Clockwork's group are attackers my group are defenders."

I walked into the woods my group behind me.
"Okay everyone, split up." I said as I walked off into the woods my knife in hand. Maybe I'd let whoever attacks me win to give them some satisfaction.

I wish I could be back at he mansion two years ago, when Sally and Nina were alive and when they trusted me. I thought about the time when Jeff and I kissed. Did he really love me? No, probably just leading me on... Besides, I betrayed all of them. They have every right to hate me. Maybe after we attack I'll kill myself to show my remorse. Yeah-

Suddenly someone crashed into me. I WAS OFF GUARD!!!! I thrashed my arms and legs trying to overcome my attacker and I realised it was Dark Link!!!??? I hadn't seen him in so long?! How did he find me?! Hundreds of questions swirled around my head. I pushed myself to my feet but stumbled over. My leg hurt like hell. As I fell I dropped my knife. "Sh*t!" I yelled scrambling to get it but Dark link slammed me up against a tree. I hissed in pain as blood trickled down my back.

He started punching me over and over and blood soaked my face. I lifted my arms in attempt to defend myself.

He readied his fist so he could punch me again but before he could hit me Jeff threw himself into Dark Link bowling him over and hammering him into the ground. He punched Dark Link so many times I lost count until dark link pushed himself up and ran away.

I collapsed to the floor bleeding heavily as I gasped for air. My vision was blurred and I couldn't tell which way was up or down.

Jeff rushed over to my side and panicked.
"WAKE UP!!" He yelled shaking me aimlessly before I passed out from shock.

Hope you liked it🕸🌻🕸 🔍🔍🔍

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