Chapter Eight

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"All those wanting to accompany me and Clockwork to the underworld step forward."

For a few seconds all that could be heard was the icy winter breeze.
"Myself and the proxies will go." Masky said stepping forward with Toby and Hoodie.
I nodded to them and looked at the others.
"I will go." Said Jeff walking over.
"And so will I." Said BEN going to stand next to Jeff. Smile dog ran over to Jeff and nuzzles into his legs. "He's coming too." Said Jeff.

'That is a good amount of people to attend.' Slenderman sent as he walked over.
'I have contacted my relatives, Offenderman, Splendorman and Trendorman so that they can protect the mansion. They will be arriving tomorrow. So I will be joining you to the underworld.'

Relief washed over me. The more people the better and Slenderman was extremely powerful.
"Are you sure Slenderman?" I asked looking towards him.
'Yes child, I am sure.'
I nodded and turned to face BEN, Jeff and the proxies.
"Thank you for volunteering. I'm giving you one chance to back out, if you want to stay behind please say now." I said earning no responses. I smiled and turned towards those who didn't volunteer.
"Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack and Jane. Along with Slenderman's relatives you will stay here to defend the mansion." I said. EJ and LJ nodded while Jane just scowled.

Soft snowflakes began to fall. I smiled. The snow from a few days ago had melted and I was glad to see some more. The snow made everywhere magical.
After a few hours of training we decided to finish.
"Come on let's go inside and watch movies!" Toby chimed running inside.

As everyone made their way inside I saw Jeff lingering behind walking into the woods.
"Hey Jeff!" I called as I jogged after him. He either ignored me or didn't hear me because he kept on walking his bloody hoodie easy to identify in the snow that was starting to stick.
But I wasn't giving up that easily. "Jeff wait!" I called beginning to loose my patience.
He grumbled and turned around looking agitated.
"Wassup?" He said.
"Uh, I never got chance to thank you for helping me yesterday. I really appreciate it." I smiled.
"It's nothing special you know. I didn't do it because I love you incase that's what you're thinking." He said scornfully as he glared at me. I suddenly felt very hurt.
"I did it cause' I had to. Given the choice I would have left you. But Slendy would blow a fuse."
"I never thought you did do it because you loved me! I was just thanking you!" I hissed feeling my temper smell up inside me.
"Huh, sure you were." He said sarcastically.
"UGH!!!! YOU HAVEN'T CHANGED A BIT!!" I yelled letting my anger explode.
"Ha, save it b*tch. I don't care about you, never have cared about you, and never will care about you." He said walking back towards the mansion.
"WELL F**K YOU THEN!" I screamed feeling the anger and hurt swirl around inside me. And it was only made worse when Jeff gave me the finger.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I finally calmed down a bit and walked back inside the mansion. Everyone, (excluding Slenderman) was watching a horror movie. Jeff just glared at me and I scowled stalking off to my room
I walked into the shower washing my hair and calming myself down.

After I dried myself I changed into a (f/c) oversized t-shirt and a pair of black pyjama shorts. I looked outside to see the amount of snow had increased drastically and it was falling down heavily. It would be a bit hard to train tomorrow but right now I felt so angry and hurt by what Jeff said to me I didn't really care.

After a while I started to feel really hungry. I crept downstairs to see everyone STILL watching horror movies.
"(Y/N), come and watch these movies with us." Clockwork smiled to me. I wonder why everyone is forgiving Clockwork and I so quickly? I think they still hate us tho. They have a right to. They should hate us forever.
"No thanks." I said running my fingers through my hair. I got some [Favourite junk food] from the cupboard/fridge. Smile wriggled out of Jeff's grip and came over to me.
"Hey boy." I smiled scratching his ears.
"Smile! Get back here!" Jeff called.
But Smile just stayed by me. I smirked smugly at Jeff walking upstairs with Smile at my side. I heard Jeff cursing as I went.

I sat on my bed and ate some of my food whilst stroking Smile. "You care about me don't you?" I said kissing his nose. He nuzzled into me as I laughed.

I played with Smile for a while until I heard a hammering on my door.
"What?" I called as Jeff stormed in.
"Give me my dog back!" He growled.
"And why should I do that?" I smirked.

Two updates in a day today! I'm at my grandparents so there's not that much to do so I got time to make two chapters!

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