Chapter Fourteen

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"What the f**k are you two doing?!?!" Jane shouted, confused.
Jeff and I turned to see everyone from outside starring at us.
I screamed and shoved Jeff off me. I scrambled to my feet and turned off the shower.
"Why the hell are you guys in here?!" I yelled.
"There's water all around the hall! And you two were screaming like crazy! Plus when we came inside Jeff is lying on top of you and your both soaked from head to toe!" Jane said exasperated.
'Can't that b**ch shut up for one second?' I thought.
"It's stupid (Y/N). She doesn't know when to stop." Jeff huffed. I felt very hacked off at that comment.
"Would you guys like to explain what you're doing or should we assume that you're about to have some private time?" Clockwork said raising an eyebrow. 
"No!!!!" I squeaked as I slipped over in the bath tub falling backwards onto Jeff.
"OUCH!!! GET OFF ME!" Jeff yelled as I carfully climbed out of the tub.

"Me and and Cow face over there-" Jeff started.
'Cow face. Ugh. I remember that Nick name all too well. I thought he forgot about it!' I thought wanting to stab Jeff.
" - We made a bet yesterday. First person to injure their opponent, but not kill them, gets to order them around for the day. I won the bet didn't I cow face." Jeff tormented elbowing me in the ribs as I scowled.

"BEN and I got her to clean up his room, she poured some sauce on our heads and ran off. She hid in the bathroom and started spraying us with water." Jeff said.
"What is it with you two and always causing destruction?" Masky said.
"Anyway, (Y/N), aren't you supposed to be training us to defeat Zalgo? We're supposed to be attacking in the next few days." Masky said.
"Yeah sorry... I wash carrying out my punishment from Slenderman." I said sheepishly.
"I'll go dry myself and then we'll train." I said as I made my way to the door.
"What about our bet?" Jeff sniggered.
"Jeff why don't you just grow the f**k up and stop acting like a god damn child." I said bitterly as I stalked away to my room.

I tore off my drenched clothes and put on a fresh set. I dried my (h/l) hair and made my way downstairs and out into the training grounds.
Most everyone was out there. Jane was glaring daggers at me, most likely contemplating my death and everyone else was starring at me expectantly.
"What are we doing today then?" Toby asked.
I paused for a moment.
"I'll be telling you about Zalgo." I said.
Curious murmurs broke out across the group.
"As you all know, Zalgo is possibly the strongest Creepypasta of all. No even Slenderman is a match for him. But I know we can defeat him. Because together we are stronger than him. Some of you are fast, some of you are smart, some of you have exceptional fighting technique. Add that all together and we will be unstoppable! And we will be able to kill Zalgo once and for all. I may have betrayed all of you, caused your friends to loose their lives, but what I am doing for you now is better than anything you could ever imagine, I'm giving you a pathway to peace." I said looking over the CreepyPastas' that stood before me.

'(Y/N) is right. Together we could be more powerful than any being that has ever lived.' Slenderman sent as he emerged from the shadows. He had been watching all this time?

'Offenderman and Trendorman have arrived. Today is our last day of training, I have decided that tomorrow we are going to the underworld.'

Two updates in a day today! No more writers block!!!!! I hope you liked this chapter and expect chapter fifteen very soon💚💚💚

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