Chapter Nine

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I played with Smile for a while until I heard a hammering on my door.
"What?" I called as Jeff stormed in.
"Give me my dog back!" He growled.
"And why should I do that?" I smirked.
"Because you stole him from me!" Jeff shouted.
"I'm pretty sure he to came me." I said raising an eyebrow.
"Smile come back you idiot!!!" Jeff yelled gesturing for Smile to come towards him.
"I don't blame him for coming to me if you talk to him like that." I said.

Jeff stomped over to Smile grabbing him by the scruff of the neck.
"Come on, your in trouble." He grumbled yanking smile off my bed making him yelp.
"STOP IT YOU'RE HURTING HIM!!!!!" I screamed getting off my bed and walking over to Jeff.
I had just about lost it completely with Jeff. I punched him square in the nose making him let go of Smile.
"YOU LITTLE BI**H!!!!! WHY DON'T YOU GO TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!" Jeff bellowed pulling out one of his knives. I jumped on Smiles back and he began running down the halls with Jeff hot on our tail.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed as Smile sped down the stairs smashing into lamps and tables God knows what as we went. I was almost slipping off!

We came to the lounge where everyone else was gathered. "What the f**k??!!" Yelled BEN as I plummeted down the stairs on Smile's back with Jeff chasing us. I was screaming my head off while Jeff was yelling: "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BI**H!!!!!!!!"
"What's going on?!" Exclaimed Jane while everyone else just stared at us with a 'wtf' face apart from LJ who was laughing hysterically. They were utterly dumbfounded. I don't blame them. Because seeing a screaming girl on the back of a massive dog speeding into you're living room and causing havoc while being chased by a mass murderer is not something you see everyday. Even in Slender Mansion.

'WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!!!!!!!!!!?????????' Slenderman bellowed.

Smile skidded to a halt sending me flying across the room smashing into BEN and bringing him to the floor with me.
"Well this is cosy isn't it?" BEN said smirking pervertedly.
"I'm so sorry!" I whispered awkwardly pushing myself off him.

'JEFFERY! (Y/N)! SMILE DOG! What is the meaning of this?!'

I could tell we were in HUGE trouble. Slenderman was never this angry.

'You've smashed almost all the lamps on the second floor! Yelling and screaming! I'm surprised at you (Y/N)! To my office NOW!'
Slenderman roared.

I walked shamefully to get Slenderman's office my head hanging low. So did Smile. But of course Jeff has to retaliate.
"Slendy! That b**ch stole my dog!!!!" He shouted.
"Don't you dare call her a bitch you d*ck!" Clockwork hissed.
'Jeffery, we will discuss this in my office!'
Jeff swore and stalked away with me and Smile.

Once we arrived in Slenderman's office we all sat down in front of Slenderman.
'Would you care to explain yourselves.'
Both me and Jeff started pouring out excuses like a couple of toddlers.
'One at a time!' Slenderman sent.
"That sl*t took Smile away from me! Then when I went to get him she punched me in the face and ran off on Smile's back!" Jeff exclaimed.
"I didn't steal him! He came to me! And I punched you because you made him yelp! Then you threatened to stab me so I ran away!" I retaliated.
'You both are in trouble, Smile you may leave.'
Smile padded out the door leaving only me and Jeff with Slenderman.
'As punishment you both will be entertaining my brother Splendorman tomorrow.' Slenderman said.
Jeff's face dropped. Why was that so bad? I didn't really know anything about Splendorman.
"How is this a punishment?" I asked.
'Let's just say my brother is painfully happy.' Slenderman finished.
'You may go now.' He dismissed as Jeff and I left the room.

"I'll get you back for this." Jeff grumbled.
"Good luck with that." I said sarcastically.
Jeff suddenly threw one of his knives at me. I caught it in mid air and laughed.
"Gotta' try harder than that buddy." I said throwing his knife back to him.
"Oh I will." Jeff challenged.
"Bring it. The fist person to injure but not kill their opponent has to do anything the winner says for a day. Deal?" I responded.
"Deal." Said Jeff as he walked into the shadows of the mansion.
This chapter is god damn crazy😂

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