Chapter Eleven

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It's here!!!!!!

'(Y/N) and Jeffery, take Splendorman outside.' Slenderman commanded. I sighed and reluctantly obliged.

Splendorman came skipping outside.
"This is such an amazing place! How on earth did you rebuild the mansion so well!" He laughed.
The snow covered my boots and the cold air made me stiff.
I remembered the bet I made with Jeff and I smirked deviously to myself. I would make sure he was humiliated when I got him to do whatever I wanted.

I squeaked in shock as a snowball came zooming towards me. I only just dodged out of the way and I turned to see Splendorman and Jeff sniggering.
"Ugh..." I huffed and gathered a snowball in my hands. I threw it fast and it hit Splendorman in the torso.
"Ha! To slow!" I called running into the trees.
"Catch me if you can!"
Several snow balls came shooting past me. I quickly looked over to see Jeff and Splendorman running close behind me.
"What a great game!" Sounded Splendorman.
I laughed loudly and swirled into a snowy white clearing.

The snow was fresh and soft underfoot. A snowball smashed into the back of my head.
"Got ya!" Jeff celebrated.
I gathered a snowball in my hands and threw it with full force at Jeff's face.
He dodged and sent another flying my way.
It skimmed my arm and I laughed as Splendorman joined Jeff. Two against one, with these dopes, I'll be just fine. I hated to admit but maybe just maybe, I was having a little fun? Ugh, I should hate this.

After a few minutes of throwing snowballs I was soaked from head to toe.
"I hit you guys more." I said folding my arms.
"That was an amazing game!" Splendorman said spinning around his broad smile shining bright.
"There's a hill with a cool view just a few minutes away. We should go look at it." I suggested.
"That's a great idea!" Said Splendorman. "Lead the way (Y/N)!"
"Okay..." I said awkwardly and walked through the snow back into the woods.
Jeff and Splendorman walked behind me and Splendorman kept drawling on about bullsh*t that neither me nor Jeff cared about.

Once I got to the hill I brushed off a log and sat down on the cold wood.
I closed my eyes and let the winter breeze blow through my hair.
After around an hour of semi-peace Jeff spoke up.
"The Bi**h and I are gonna' do some training in the woods. Stay here Splendy." Jeff said knocking me out of my daydreams.
"Who said I'm going into the woods with you!" I scowled storming away from him.
"See you later Splendy!" Jeff called as he ran after me.

"Just go away!" I hissed.
"I just saved you from hanging out with Splendy!" Jeff laughed as he kicked some snow at the back of my legs.
"I'd rather live my whole life with Splendorman than spend an hour in the woods with you!" I growled venom dripping from my words.

To my surprise Jeff looked a bit taken aback.
"Jeff?" I asked turning to face him. Before I could take in what was happening a burning pain shot through my back and I realised that I had fallen on the floor with Jeff pressed on top of me.
"Ouch! Get of me!" I huffed as I struggled under his weight.
"Ah!" I screamed as he slipped his blade gently over my neck just enough to draw blood.
His face was inches away from the crook of my neck.
"I win the bet. You're mine now..." He chuckled his hot breath piecing my icy skin.

Sorry this update took a little longer!😔 expect chapter twelve soon! Thank you so much for 1k plus reads on 'The Pains Of Loving You'!!!!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

The Scars of Loving You (Jeff The Killer X Reader) [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now