Chapter Six

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~~Second Person POV~~~

(I haven't done second person for a while🙄)

Your whole body felt like it had slipped into a slumber. As you strained to open your eyes a bright, piecing light disfigured your vision.

'(Y/N), can you hear me child?'

You desperately tried to respond to Slenderman but all you could do was gasp in pain.
"(Y/N/N) [your nick name], squeeze my hand if you can hear me. It's me, Clockwork. Please (Y/N/N)." You heard Clockwork say as you felt her lightly holding your hand. You tried your best to squeeze Clockworks hand put you barely managed to add any pressure.

"I think she heard me." Clockwork said as she turned towards Slenderman.

'She'll be okay, she just needs rest.'

~~~Jeff's POV~~~

I sat with BEN in his room playing Mario Cart.

"What's up?" BEN asked.
"Nothing, it's just it was Dark Link that was beating up (Y/N), wait, I mean the bi*ch, he's one of Zalgo's top assassins." I said as I accidentally crashed my car off a cliff.
"This means trouble. I'm sure Slendy will think of something." BEN replied as he won the race.
"YES!!!! I WIN!!!" BEN cheered.
"Damn it, I'll beat you next time." I challenged.
"No way. The bi**h was beat up real bad, do you think she'll be okay?" BEN asked as he lay face down on his bed.
"How am I supposed to know?" I replied shrugging.
"I hate to say it, but she's still smoking hot." BEN said whilst grinning.

I clenched my fist tightly and I heard my knuckles crack.
"What's wrong with you?" BEN said looking at me with a 'wtf' face.
"Just annoyed that you beat me at mario cart." I grumbled.
"I always do, let's play again!" He chimed resetting the game.
"I'll win this time." I smirked as we started playing once more.

~~~Time Skip~~~

~~~(Y/N) POV~~~

I finally gathered the strength to move and speak.
"Clock, what ha-happen?" I stuttered as she helped me sit up.
"It doesn't matter, we will talk about it later." She smiled while she supported my back.
"How are you feeling?" Asked Dr. Smiley.
"I'm okay..." I lied. Instantaneously I remembered who it was that found me in the woods. DARK LINK.
"Go get Slenderman! Right away!" I demanded as I fidgeted in my bed. This was urgent. Dark link could only mean one thing. Zalgo.
"Are you sure? You still very-" Dr. Smiley started.
"Did I f**king stutter!" I yelled, the feeling of urgency making me impatient.
"Okay! I'm going!" Dr. Smiley said as he walked out of the room.

"It was Dark Link Clock! Zalgo is near!" I whisper screamed to Clockwork.
"We all know, Jeff told us. He got you back just in time." Clockwork said as she sat down on a chair across the room.
"Dark Link had beaten me half to death, Jeff saved me." I said gingerly touching the swelling on my face.
"Now you're awake Slenderman will be able to heal you." Clockwork started. "The training game we played went pretty well until we heard what happened to you. Lots of them need practice on surprise but some have rare talent." She said smiling.
"Like who?" I asked.
"Um... Toby." She said blushing slightly.
"Oh, you like Toby?" I teased with a big smirk on my face.
"Shut it." She laughed turning away probably to hide her grin.

Had a busy day😴hope you liked it!

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