Chapter Fifteen

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Lots of updates. I've literally had nothing to do today except wattpad. But hey, I'm not complaining.

'Offenderman and Trendorman have arrived. Today is our last day of training, I have decided that tomorrow we are going to the underworld.'
Slenderman sent. I felt very apprehensive, although I was determined, I felt terrified. Terrified to go back to the place I used to call home.
"(Y/N)!" Clockwork called as she walked towards me.
"Do you think we're ready?" I asked fiddling with the sleeves of my hoodie.
"Yes. The longer we wait the stronger Zalgo's assassins become." She said as we walked inside together.
"What the hell is going on with you and Jeff?" Clockwork said.
"I don't even know anymore." I laughed. "We never got along when we first me two years back, but towards the end I guess we sort of liked each other?" I said sheepishly.
"Really? Cause' it looks like you two would like nothing better than to kill each other. Do you still like him?" Clockwork asked.
"I'm not even sure if I liked him in the first place! One minute he was being a 'gentleman' the next minute he was pranking me! And when we met again recently he really did hate me. Then he f**king saved me from dark link, I thought maybe we could become friends, but no! He acts like an arse again and starts pranking me like he did before. I guess I just lost it earlier, told him to grown up. I wish we could just resolve this on going hatred we have..." I sighed looking at the ground.
"I think you still like him." Clockwork smirked.
"What?! No I don't!" I grumbled.
"I think you guys just need to rediscover the feelings you once had. I mean, Jeff's not with Jane anymore, so here's your chance! Go get your man!" Clockwork laughed.
"Sometimes I really wonder about you..." I sneered as I walked away.
"You're hiding from the truth (Y/N)!" Clockwork called over my shoulder.

I walked downstairs. Am I really hiding form the truth? Nope. No way. I'm an open book!

I passed BEN's room and realised nobody was in there. Maybe if I wanted to stop arguing with Jeff and BEN I should clean BEN's room?
I opened the door and tried not to gauge. It was almost as bad as when I had to clean up after my welcoming party. Thinking about that night brought back sad memories. I pushed the thoughts out of my head and proceeded to clean. After around two hours of putting half eaten food in bins, picking up and folding clothes, putting CDs back inside their cases, making beds and picking up bits of crap, BENs room looked awesome. I could actually see the floor and everything was neat and in order. I found a note pad and pen and wrote down a note:

I did as you asked me in the end. This wasn't a fun job. I hope that me you and Jeff can stop arguing and maybe become friends? I hope you like what I did. :)

- (Y/N), or as you like to call me, 'Cow Fave' or 'The Bitch.'

I left BEN's room leaving the note on his bed and I made my way down to the ground floor.

"This mat is horrendous! Cousin why did you choose that pattern! I'm disappointed in you!" Sounded a sassy voice from downstairs.
'What on earth?' I though as I went down to the living room.

A being similar to Slenderman was walking around the living room pointing out all the fashion errors.
'Cousin, this is my mansion. I am not abiding by your rules.' Slenderman sent sounding frustrated.
I went downstairs and sat on the sofa next to Hoodie.
"Do you know who that guy is?" I asked subtly.
"Trenderman, Slendy's cousin. He's obsessed with fashion and order." Hoodie said.
"Okay." I replied, still pretty confused.

"Well hello there." A deep flirtatious voice sounded next to me.
"Whoah!!!!! Who are you?!?!" I squeaked.
"I am Offenderman." He chuckled.
'Offenderman. Please stop tormenting my residents.' Slenderman sent. I silently thanked Slenderman as Offenderman walked away from me.
'(Y/N) child, my relatives, Trendorman, Offenderman and Splendorman will help defend the mansion while I'm gone.'
"Great... Nice to meet you guys?" I said awkwardly. I'm not really sure how to feel about Slenderman's relatives. I mean they're okay...

Jeff and BEN came running down the stairs like pair of toddlers on Christmas Day. God help me...
"Yo!!!!!! Trendy! Offendy!" Jeff and BEN said.
"Jeff! What have I told you about that hoodie! Wash it for goodness sake!" Trenderman said shaking his head.
"This hoodie is my prize possession." Jeff replied.

I stood up and made my way to the stairs.
"GET OVER HERE!!!!!" BEN yelled.
"What's your problem?" I said raising an eyebrow.
"You sprayed water on me earlier!" He growled.
"You two were going to make clean your revolting room." I said. "Are you both prepared to go to the underworld tomorrow? This mission is not to be taken lightly." I said.
"We're ready. My knives are in top shape." Jeff said.
"Great. You're one of the best Jeff, I'm relying on you." I said as I walked up the stairs.

  ~~Jeff's POV~~

"Great. You're one of the best Jeff, I'm relying on you." (Y/N) said as she walked up the stairs.
"Shall we go play video games?" Asked BEN as we walked up the stairs on the other side of the mansion.
"Yeah." I said.
"Still can't believe (Y/N) did that to me." BEN pouted as I sniggered. "What's so funny?!" He sulked as we approached his door.
"What game you wanna' play?" BEN asked as he reached for his door handle.
"GTA five." I said. BEN opened the door and his Jaw dropped.
"Holy..." He breathed as I walked over to the door to see what was so interesting.
BEN's room was immaculate! It looked amazing.
"What the hell happened in here?!" I said as I walked in.
"My video games are in all the right cases!" BEN cheered.
"Ooooohhhh, a note." BEN said as he ran over to his bed.
"I did as you asked me in the end. This wasn't a fun job. I hope that me you and Jeff can stop arguing and maybe become friends, I hope you like what I did. From (Y/N), or as you like to call me, cow face or the bitch." BEN finished a massive grin on his.
"(Y/N) did this!!! She's awesome!" He chimed.
"She is." I said. Maybe (Y/N) was still the same sort of person she was when I fist met her?
"I think we should go and thank her." I said.

We walked down the halls until we came to (Y/N)'s room.
"Okay may-" I started but BEN was already bursting through the door.
"(Y/N)! YOU ARE THE MOST AWESOME, THE COOLEST AND THE SEXIEST PERSON ON THE PLANET!" BEN yelled throwing himself onto a rather confused looking (Y/N).
"ARGH!!! BEN get off." She grumbled.
"Thank you so much." BEN said as (Y/N)'s faced softened.
"That's no problem." She smiled.
I walked into the room.
"It's looks f**king awesome." I grinned.
"Do you guys wanna' get along with me now, I mean, we've kind of got to cooperate tomorrow. So..." (Y/N) said.
"We accept." I said.
"Great." She replied as we walked out of the room.

Hope you liked this! 💚💚

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