Chapter Twenty Four

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I'm so sorry for making you wait this long! Like two months! Well here it is. I hope you enjoy it! 💜



(IMPORTANT NOTE: If you haven't read this story for a while please go back to chapter twenty one to refresh your memory! :D)



My eyes flicked open. I was no longer inside a deep wood surrounded by blood thirsty creatures. No. I was inside what appeared to be a middle age hall. There were stain glass windows casting an eerie light across the room and stone gargoyles staring down at me.
However, I was still dressed in the same clothes as before, covered from head to toe in blood and dirt.
The words still echoed around my mind: 'You have completed the trial.' 
I stumbled to my feet and walked around the silent hall my footsteps echoing all around me.

"Your trial was very intriguing, if I do say so myself." Sounded a deep voice from behind me.
Startled, I swerved around to see who - or what - was behind me.

A tall hooded figure (presumably male) was standing a few yards away from me.
"What is all this sh*t?" I hissed trying to mask my fear.
"My Dear, I'm here to tell you the results for your trial." The hooded man replied an eerie shadow consuming his face.
I remained silent.
The figure took a few steps towards me.
"Do you want to find out what happens?" He said creepily making my skin crawl.
"Y-yes." I stuttered.
"You will live or die."
(A/n: if you went back and remembered chapter 21 you would know that (y/n) forgot about her encounter with Nina and Sally)

"But I am dead."
"That you are my dear, but you could still live. You just had to pass the trial." He chuckled.
"Then did I pass or not?" I huffed apprehensively.
"If you are evil - you pass. If you are pure you die. Simple as." The man said.
"I get that." I huffed through gritted teeth.
"Well my dear, your results were different."

I clenches my fists.
"You are the fist person we've ever seen who shows signs of a complete pure soul and and a complete corrupt soul." He began.

"Let me replay the first part of your trial back into your mind."

Before I could protest memories flooded back to me. I was stood, dressed purely in white, speaking to Sally and Nina.

"That was part one of the trial. The test that measures good. The majority pass this one to a degree. And you still remember the forest of monsters, that was the test for evil. However, the majority die properly there and then. And those who get through - die anyway." Hooded man spoke.

"But you did something nobody has ever done before - you passed both."
"At first, the way you passed the first test I assumed you'd be torn apart by those creatures and come to a bloody end. But no. The way you took those creatures down was so wicked, so evil, you passed with flying colours."

"So... is this the end of the line..." I whispered. My tough guy act had long crashed and burned.
"Don't be so negative my dear!" The man chimed.
"Am I going to be able to see my friends again?" I asked tears welling up in my eyes. "Clockwork, BEN, Smile, Jeff..."
I whispered a few tears escaping my eyes.
"Oh. Tut tut tut. You really are pure." The man sighed wiping the pathetic tears of my bloodstained cheeks. "Yet so corrupt."

"Well I think you deserve to find out your results."
I nodded and looked at the mans blank shadow for a face.
"I have come to decision - a strange one if I do say so myself. Your soul is vast and original. I couldn't possibly just kill it. So I am going to send you back to the surface,"
The man spoke as I filled with hope.

"You are to be reborn - As a human."


I hope you liked this plot twist! Expect chapter twenty five soon. More will be explained then!!

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