Chapter Seven

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Slenderman burst into the room along with Dr. Smiley.
"It was Dark Link! He's one of Zalgo's assassins! He might be close to finding where you're new mansion is!" I said frantically.
'Don't worry Child. Jeff told me what happened. As soon as I heal you we are going to call a meeting.' He sent to me.
"If you can heal me then how come you didn't heal the people who died when Zalgo attacked?" I asked
'My powers only work on minor injuries.'
"This is minor?" I said raising an eyebrow.
'I will begin now child.' Slenderman said.

  ~~~Jeff POV~~~

I was still with BEN. Smile had burst in and was now lying across my lap.

Now we were playing COD.
"BEN YOU STUPID LITTLE F**KER!!!!" I screaming throwing my controller across the room. BEN had made my character glitch and he won again.
BEN was laughing his arse off on the floor until I threw one of knives at him and it barely missed his head. That shut him up. Smile growled at him while I laughed.
He sat back on the bed and we were about to play again until Slendy summoned us.
"(Y/N) is awake and healed. We need to talk about what happened. Everyone gather downstairs.'
"Let's go. Took her long enough, she's been unconscious almost a whole day!" I said to BEN as we walked out of the door.

~~(Y/N) POV~~

Everyone was now gathered in the dining room.
'As you all probably know it was Dark Link who attacked (Y/N).'
Slenderman started as the killers nodded.
'This means Zalgo is near. We will not let him destroy our home and we need to discuss a plan to kill him.'

"We need to go to the underworld." I stated as everyone stared at me wide eyed.
"But we don't stand a chance against them!" Masky exclaimed.
"Remember what I told you all, the guards are pretty useless. It's the assassins we need to worry about. Clockwork was head of the assassins along side Dark Link. She knows the ins and outs of their killing techniques." I said.
"If we can work together then they will be no match for us." Clockwork said proudly.
'We have no choice but to attack Zalgo ourselves.'

Gasps filled the room and I had to admit even I was a little shocked.
"That's impossible!" Shouted Jane.
"You were right when you said that surprise is everything," started Jeff. "While Dark Link was distracted I easily beat him up." He was wearing a cocky smirk like he used to when I first came to the mansion. I thought he'd got past that, well I guess that he's still the same old moron.

"I can summon a portal to the underworld at anytime. So can Clockwork." I said walking towards Slenderman.

'We will need a group here at the mansion and we will need a group of people to go to the underworld. We will leave in one week.
(Y/N), I leave you in charge of  training. You must all gather in 15 minutes.'
Slenderman sent as I nodded my head.

"Yesterday was bad enough! I'm not letting that thing boss me around!" Jane raged at me throwing her knife across the room.

Everybody cleared out and Jane scowled at me.
"Sorry, Slenderman's orders." I sighed as I walked past her. She cursed and stalked away.

I shrugged and grabbed my weapons from the infirmary and walked outside into the training hollow. After a few minutes everyone was there.

(A/N: I'm only doing a certain amount of CreepyPastas because there's so many. A lot of them I put with Zalgo as well.)

"So I would like to know who wants to come to the underworld and who wants to stay at the mansion for defence. Just a word of warning, if you come to the underworld there is no guarantee you'll come back alive." I said bluntly. Although it was a huge risk it didn't sway me.

"All those wanting to accompany me and Clockwork to the underworld step forward."

Hope you're having a great day! ❤️

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