Chapter 7 - He's Alive

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Quick Disclaimer: Words like "dammit" and other small curse words will be mentioned in the rest of the story, so read at your own risk.

Third Person POV

Erza Scarlet refused to leave Jellal's side. After what seemed like he died, he started to become stable again. Jellal was out cold but he was breathing.
Erza rested her head gently on the side of Jellal's hospital bed, and fell asleep. She wouldn't leave his side no matter what.
When Erza awoke, Jellal was awake as well. He smiled at her, and she smiled at him. Everything was better.
All of the sudden, Jellal's mother walked in. She had come to see her little boy once yesterday but now she was mostly here to check on Erza.
"Ohayo, Erza. Thank you for watching Jellal. I brought you a granola bar from the vending machine I know it's not much--" before Jennifer could finish, Erza hugged her, and smiled.
"Thank you, Jennifer. It means a lot to me." she said, giving her a big grin.
If you couldn't tell already, Erza was very happy Jellal was alive. She knows how much bad he's done in the past but he lost his memory now and he doesn't remember the bad things.

The only thing he remembers is my name. Erza thought.

Erza's cheeks turned a red that wasn't as dark as her hair, but it was enough to make Jellal chuckle.

"Hey, Jellal?" Erza said.
"Yes, Erza?" He smiled.
"How are you holding up? Do you need anything? Nurse, food, water..anything?" Erza was trying her best to help Jellal recover as quickly as possible.
"Just you being here is enough." He replied. Erza blushed the red colour from before, and smiled.
A few hours later, it was lunch time, so the nurse came in with Jellal's "food that is about as good as my high school's" food, as Erza calls it. Erza was so happy she got another chance to bond with Jellal again, and could forget all about his previous evil ways.
"Erza, thank you." He said, as Erza was sitting on the chair in the corner of the room, which was close to Jellal's hospital bed.
"For what?" Erza said.
"For forgetting that side of me that I can forget now too." Jellal answered.
"Wait, you remember?" Erza muttered.
"I just got it back when that nurse came in with lunch. Please don' mad." he sighed.
"Jellal, whether you're evil or not, it doesn't change the fact that I care about you." Erza smiled. "Besides, you can't repay all of the wrongs you've done with another wrong. Stay with me. Keep going to Fairy Tail High. And keep being my friend."
"Whatever it takes, Erza. I'll do anything for you." Jellal said.

Many hours later, it was about 7PM. Wendy had come in to check up on Erza and Jellal a few minutes ago and had just left.

The hospital room was kind of L-shaped. There was a part of the room that had a chair, Jellal's hospital bed, and it was the part with all the windows. The other part was kind of like a small kitchen. It had a few counters, no stove or fridge, but there was a microwave, and a coffee maker. Erza went over to the coffee maker and made herself some coffee,but DeCaf. She gave some to Jellal, and they smiled at each other. Erza moved the chair from the corner next to Jellal's bed, sat down in the chair, and rested her head on the side of the bed again, then dozed off.

??? POV

Dammit... how did I miss?
How did he live? These are the questions that have not been answered. These are the questions that will never be answered, at least not by Jellal. God I hate saying his name.

Jellal, you won't get away with murdering my brother. I will kill you, Jellal Fernandes.

Whew, what an ending. Man I love cliffhangers. So if you've watched the Grand Magic Games Arc at least once you probably know who shot Jellal in this story. Do comment who you think it is, and tell me why you think that. Anyways guys, This chapter is dedicated to Jerza101504 once again because they are absolutely fantastic and I am so thankful for them voting for my story and reading it. It means so so so very much to me, thank you. I know I say thank you a lot, but I really really mean it. I keep writing this story because of the support so keep going, and I'll keep writing as best I can.

Tiny Note as well: The picture for this chapter is one of the pictures for the next chapter of the Fairy Tail Manga. JELLAL YOU BETTER GET IN THERE AND CLAIM YO GIRL CUZ' KAGURA GON STEAL HER IF YOU DONT CLAIM HER SOON BUDDY.

See you guys later, look out for the next chapter later today. Bye-bye!

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