Thirty Four: Mind Made Up

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           After an unusually long shower, I got Damon to go retrieve my suitcase from the trunk of his car since he had not moved it yet. Slipping into a pair of stylishly holy blue jeans and a long loose and flowing purple tank top with a razor back, I padded in bare feet across the hardwood floor to the bed. Sitting on the end and picking up my cell phone, I stared at it wishing that I could just punch in Amelia's number and she would answer. She was the only person, out of all of these people here in Mystic Falls, who I had known for the majority of my life. Amelia was always someone that I could talk to, confide in. While I wasn't in dire straits right now, it would make me feel better to have her near as I try to get use to this new immortal life of mine. She was my only tie to the previous life that I had and I wanted that normalcy.

           I heard his approach as he came down the hall from the direction of his bedroom to mine. Stepping in through the doorway, he made his way over to me and stopped before me. I cast my gaze up at him. His hair was still damp, not having bothered to try to blow dry it like I did mine. The soft light navy blue cotton tee shirt he had on stretched across his muscular torso and emphasized his biceps. Those light blue eyes that I was prone on getting lost in, were fastened on me.

          I knew he could tell that something was bugging me and he was correct. What he didn't yet know was the other half of it, the decision that I had come to. So before he could even mention it, I stood and went to my suitcase.

          "I've made up my mind." I stated as I bent down and grabbed a pair of socks out of my suitcase, sliding them on.

          "About what?" He questioned. I could feel his gaze on me.

            Grabbing my boots, I slid them on and straightened up to turn about and face him.

           "On how I'm going to get Amelia back."

            Damon arched an eyebrow. "Which would be...?"


             I waited for his stormy expression to appear and it did so in record time. I could see his muscles tense in his jaw and shoulders while a scowl crossed his handsome face.

            "Hell no. You are not going anywhere near him. You just got away and now you are going to go back?" Damon's voice rose, anger lacing it.

            "It is the only way that I know how to get her back." I crossed my arms over my chest. "And believe me I'm not happy about it either. Which is exactly why I didn't take the deal when he first offered it. Now I just don't see any other way."

            "Deal? What deal? What did you promise him?"

            "Nothing yet. He said that if he gets the warlock to release Amelia then I will 'owe him one'." I replied.

             "Owe him one?" Damon's fists clenched. "You know he could call in any kind of favor he wants to if you make that deal."

              I gave an acknowledging nod of my head. "I know which is why I don't want to agree to it but she is my best friend and I will do whatever I can to get her back."

            "You are not going to take his deal. We will work on finding her ourselves." He widened his eyes for emphasis and his tone was one that was meant to brook no refusal when he told me, "You will stay as far away from him as possible."

              A spark of anger flared within me and I clenched my fists, too late to remember to put down my phone. It popped and snapped as it was crushed within my grasp. This just caused me further irritation and I tossed the pieces of the phone to the floor, snapping my gaze to Damon.

             "I will do what I must to save my best friend!"

              As I kept my gaze fiercely narrowed on him, I couldn't help but be slightly perplexed by how easily we had gone from being intimately close with one another to squaring off with each other. Apparently he and I really did have a hot and cold relationship, yet even in this moment I realized and decided that I still wouldn't trade it for any other. What else was to be expected between two confident and stubborn people? Regardless of how he could sometimes easily infuriate me, he could also as easily ignite intense feelings within me and there was no way that I could deny my attraction to him or my desire to be with him.

              I started to step around him, determined not to let him stop me. He wasn't making this any easier. I didn't want to do this anymore than he wanted me to, but it seemed to be my only option in getting Amelia back.

            His hand darted out and grabbed my wrist firmly to halt me. Pausing, I met his gaze and narrowed my eyes.

         "Don't Damon. You are not making this any easier. Let go."

          Our gazes held, neither of us moving for a moment.

          Damon turned to face me, his grasp still firm and unrelenting. Before he even said a word, I read it in his eyes. He wasn't going to let me go. While I could understand that, ever since I had awoken to this new life I had already made up my mind that in this life I would not allow anyone to try to force me into anything.

          "You are staying here." His voice was low and had finality to it.

          Did he think that I would shrink under his intimidation? That I would listen to him and just say 'Damon knows best'? I wouldn't have done so even when I was still human. He would have used his vampire abilities to keep me here. Well, I wasn't human any longer.

           Using my enhanced speed, I grabbed his wrist and twisted it. There was an audible snap and he grimaced in pain. Releasing his hand, I narrowed my eyes at him. Surprise was apparent in his expression as he looked to me, reevaluating me.

            "I will make my own decisions."

             Turning on my heels, I left the bedroom and descended the stairs. I listened to see if he would attempt to come after me. It wasn't until I reached the parlor did I hear him make his way down the hallway at a regular pace.

             Stefan looked to me as I entered the parlor and started to cross it, heading for the front door. From his troubled expression, I could tell that he had heard Damon and mine's argument. He looked like he wanted to say something but refrained from doing so. Elena wasn't here, having left earlier. So as I stepped into the entry hall and swung open the door, Stefan and Damon, who had now entered the parlor, were the witnesses to my exit.

            Taking the same short cut through the woods that I had taken in coming to the Salvatore mansion and using my vampire speed to whip around the trees, I made a mental note to get my car keys back from Rick.

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