Chapter 2

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Yun: Damn, stop stepping on my feet!!

Suk Hee: But I don't see them!! How do you want me to know where they are.

Suk Hee and Yun were holding on each side a big dresser that they had to take to our dormitory. Luckily, the elevator was there to mount it on the 9th floor.

The place was already furnished, but we were allowed to bring some more furniture. The apartment was a little smaller than Monsta X's one. There were only two rooms. I shared mine with Min Cha.

I watched the girls bringing up their stuff while I was waiting for Shownu and Minhyuk to help me get my own stuff. I didn't understand what they were doing that was so important on a Sunday morning. And even though they literally lived next door, they couldn't arrive on time.

I was about to knock on their door when it opened on these two.

Minhyuk: Here we are!

My attention got caught by Minhyuk's cap. I really wasn't used to see him wear this.

Me: Hey, isn't this cap one of Jooheon's caps?

He smiled and began to laugh alone. I looked at him, completely dumbfounded.

Shownu (seeing my reaction): I told him that it wasn't a good idea.

Minhyuk: Come on, it's just to test his reaction. Maybe he won't even realize that...

The door opened suddenly and Minhyuk disappeared behind it, pulled by the top of his shirt.

Shownu: I think he realized it...

We both burst out laughing at the same time.

Me: Go get Wonho, he'll be more useful than Minhyuk. And it could take a while before he comes back after Jooheon finishes with him.

He nodded and did as I said.

When we had finally finished, Shownu invited me to eat with them at the restaurant. They had reserved a room where they could eat in peace without being disturbed. Since their comeback, they were more famous and the fans' fury was increasing day by day.

I accepted the invitation gladly, then I glimpsed at the three girls I would spend more time with in the coming days, my three new friends. I felt guilty to leave them behind while I was having fun with the guys of Monsta X.

Me: Um... Shownu, can they come too?

Shownu: Well we reserved for 8 people, but I guess they can add three places.

I thanked him and left silently to prepare myself in my room. Min Cha joined me.

Min Cha: You know, for me, it wouldn't have bothered me not to come. I mean, I know very well that you are all friends since a long time and we don't really have reasons to come with you.

Me: Of course you have reason to come!! Us four are forming a new group and tonight is what we celebrate.

Cha Min: Actually, the other two, their only reason to come is because of Monsta X. These two are real groupies. They know very well that if you weren't friends with them, we would have fewer opportunities to see them.

I didn't know what to say. Yet we didn't know each other very well. Perhaps it was a simple image they sent of themselves.

Me: Yeah, but hey, they will eventually get used to being with certain celebrities I guess. I'm sure the guys will be glad that you come!


*POV of Jooheon*

Me: But why are they coming too?!

Kihyun: Oh Jooheon, don't start.

Me: We wanted to celebrate Ha Neul, not the whole Starship.

Wonho: But Jooheon!! It's only the members of her band! You'll have to accept them.

I wanted us to celebrate all eight together like we used to. And this time, it was for Ha Neul's move, I didn't want to celebrate with others.

I.M: Personally, I agree with Jooheon on this one. It was for Ha Neul. You just want to flirt guys, it's too obvious when we hear you talk like that.

Hyungwon: There's nothing wrong with wanting to get to know the members of her new band.

I.M: The least we could do would be to invite her, alone, to come and eat with us at our apartment on one evening this week. It's her last free week so...

We then left for the restaurant.


*POV of Ha Neul*

The boys were already there when we arrived. I went to sit next to Jooheon but Suk Hee sat there before me. So I sat down beside Kihyun who seemed glad of my choice (which hadn't really been one).

Jooheon gave me a puzzled look probably wondering why Suk Hee sat there while Jooheon had certainly kept this place for me. After all, everyone knew about him and me.

Nevertheless, the dinner was delicious and I had a good time.

After our meal, Jooheon asked me to return to our building together without the others. Finally, we could spend time alone. With our two busy schedules, it was difficult to spend time together as a couple, and it would get worse in the upcoming months.

We held hands while walking on the sidewalks of the middle of Seoul. The atmosphere was really pleasant tonight and everything seemed illuminated.

We sat down on a bench to watch the sky despite the absence of stars caused by the excessive brightness that the city gave off.

I laid my head on his shoulder, snuggling against him.

Jooheon: We would need more moments like this.

Me: One day, there will be nothing else to do. And we will regret the times when we were too busy. Although I always want to be with you, I want to enjoy all the other little things that fill up my life. It will never stop me from loving you, you know.

Jooheon: Me too, but still, it's hard not to see you whenever I feel like it, which means all the time.

He put a hand on my thigh and placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

Me: It'll be a little easier now anyway, since we're neighbors.

Jooheon: Still, none of us have a room alone and with all these people around, we can't have an intimate moment together.

Me: You're such a pervert.

I gave him a pat on the shoulder, laughing.

Jooheon: Hey! I'm not necessarily saying this in the way you're thinking...

I completely ignored him even though deep down it would be very easy to reply sarcastically to this sentence.

Me: Well, we should go, it's getting late.

I pulled him by the sleeve of his coat and he rose from the bench to follow my steps.

End of chapter 2! I feel like this chapter has so many strange sentences structures... xD

Anyway, thank to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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