Chapter 28

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Everything was black. We could not see anything. I placed my feet at the location specified by an X on the ground. My legs were trembling under the weight of stress, but also excitement. I heard the cries of the people in the auditorium. I turned one last time to see the beautiful smile of Min Cha, reassuring and comforting.

Wow... To say that what I was now going to do would become a kind of routine in my life sounded quite weird. In fact, was it possible that it actually becomes a routine? Will I really get used to the adrenaline that grows in me, this euphoria that gives me confirmation that happiness is in my life?

The song began, I felt my body lifted by the platform on which I was. I tried to remain stable and not lose balance. I saw the crowd in front of me and noticed several small lights shaking here and there. My face broke into a smile that I tried to repress somehow, but I could not conceal my joy to have finally made it. This scene marked the beginning of what I've worked so hard for the last two years. I had been lucky. Two years is not so long compared to others who had been trainee for 8 years. It's true that in my case, I waited the end of high school while some in between have been in those companies since childhood.

The first showcase, which had high expectations, was a success. We played 4 songs from our first EP and some other quite popular songs. We also took a few minutes during the show to "talk" (they were just shouting) with fans. It was simply memorable.

When it was over, it was nearly 11 pm. We went to have dinner with the members of the technical team, our manager and some of the teachers of the agency who had attended the concert, to congratulate all those who helped in the preparation of this huge project. A big meal was served and add to that several glasses of Soju.

In nearly an hour in the morning, Jae drove us back to the apartment by continuing to reiterate how proud he was of us. After getting there, each of us went to take a shower and sat on the couch. It was almost 3 am, but how to sleep? We kept silent. I guess we didn't know where to start. Everything was so fresh in our heads. I still felt the effect of alcohol in me. We were all a little drunk. Laughter broke the silence. So we laughed a lot. For no reason yeah.

Cha Min: Weeeellll, I'll go to bed before puking everywhere. Good night girls. Good job.

Suk Hee: Waaaaiiit. Group hug!

I got up, slightly dazed. We could hardly keep balance, but Suk Hee's legs let go and she led us down with her. New laughter broke out. Then suddenly, as if nothing had happened, we went to our rooms without saying a word.

I woke up around 10 am dazzled by the sun overlooking my bed. Min Cha was still sleeping. I decided to get up, being careful not to make too much noise. I was absolutely starving. When I finished eating, I let myself fall on the sofa and opened the TV. I was changing from channel to channel when someone rang the doorbell.

Me (opening): Yes?

I.M(barely letting me finish): CONGRATULATIONS!

He took me in his arms and I tapped his arm so he let me go. I had a sigh of headache because of yesterday.

Me: Shh. They are still sleeping.

I.M: Why aren't you doing the same?

Me: To make sure that idiots like you won't wake them up like this.

I.M: I can see your joy to have debuted on your face.

Me (stepping outside and closing the door): Sorry, it's just that I went to bed late last night and I have had too much drinks.

I.M: Yeah, it's pretty obvious. You have a shitty face this morning.

I hit him again harder this time.

Me: If you have come to insult me, you can leave.

I.M: Heyy, I'm just kidding Ha Neul. You've become so serious since yesterday!

Me: We haven't seen each other nor talked to each other yesterday.

I.M: Well that's what I meant.

Me: What?

I didn't understand him at all.

Me: You mean to say nothing, that's all.

I.M: It is impossible to talk without saying anything.

Me: Go away, you're annoying.

I.M: I will never leave.

He gave me one of those pedo looks and I couldn't help laughing. He had it to perfection.

I.M: Actually, I came to tell you that next week, not this week because you have no spare time, we wanted to follow our usual tradition and eat at the restaurant, our two groups together. Plus Yun.

I thought it was a good idea, but Yun...

Me: It's not strange for Yun to come celebrate when we.. you know..

I.M: Don't worry, she got used to it.

For a few seconds I observed his manner of speaking, moving and I realized how much Yun had changed I.M, but for good.

Me: I'm glad you're happy with her I.M. Sincerely.

I.M: Thank Ha Neul. Joo... I think I'll go now.

This name...

Me: You were going to say?

I.M: Well I'm going.

Me: No, no, you said Joo.

Just pronouncing the beginning of his name gave me a heavy heart. I missed him. I missed him so much. And I couldn't help it. I had nothing to do anyway, because he didn't want me.

I.M: If I had any advice to give you, and if it's not too hard for you, try to get closer to him as a friend. Maybe then he will realize that he misses you.

Me: I.. I don't want to force him to get back to me by doing that kind of stuff. A normal person would stay away from him and try to forget him.

I.M: If you want to forget him, then that's your choice. I just want you to be at peace with that choice.

End of chapter 28! Pretty boring actually xD Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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