Chapter 14

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If I recapitulate, I.M was gone. Where? Nobody knew. However, it seemed pretty damn upset when he left. It's been a week that he was gone now, and the only sign of life he had shown was a simple text message sent to the PD Kim 3 days ago saying not to worry about him, he would come back soon.

Although this short text message had reassured me, I couldn't help but worry. And I was really curious to know the reason for his prolonged absence.

Obviously, he will be probably punished in some way when he comes back. He left in a rush, without telling anyone where he was going, and the reason why he was leaving. The company was obliged to say that I.M was sick to justify his absence during their interviews or appearances on TV shows.

The manager was furious. The members of Monsta X wanted to defend him and sympathize for him, but how to do it when the actions are unfounded. The only thing we could say was that he must surely have a reason.

I returned to the dorm at around midnight with Min Suk Hee and Min Cha. It was rather early, in fact. We learned the intro of the choreography the day before and had practiced all evening. I lied down on the couch, releasing a long sigh of fatigue. Luckily I was too busy and tired, otherwise I'd be thinking about Jooheon all the time. I had never considered the end of "us." I didn't want it to end like that, without even talking about it. I just didn't want it to end at all actually. Especially not because of his mother. When I was younger, I had sworn to find a husband who would have a mother who could properly address the lack of mine. And I had a bad start with Joooheon's mom. However, I had no desire to give up on him. True, his mother gave me no desire to spend time with her, but I love Jooheon so much that even if his mother would be a murderous psychopath zoophile, I wouldn't give up.

I really wondered what was going through his head right now. Was he thinking of me? Of our future? Maybe he didn't give a shit. Ahhh. If only I had the courage to go talk to him. With a glass of wine or two, or three, I would certainly be able to tell what I really think. Although it might be a bit violent if I'm drunk. Well, better stay sober and say nothing. Or stay sober and go talk to him frankly. Why am I not a fish? The only thing I would care about is eating and swimming. Human intelligence makes me question myself too much.

Here we go.

I lifted my ass off the sofa and headed to the door.

Cha Min: What are you doing?

Me: I'm going to fight the problem.

With that, I left. My steps were confident, like my attitude.

I knocked on the neighbors' door. A guy with blond hair opened. I greeted him briefly walking and looking straight ahead. I turned to the living room to see who was there. Two guys were there. No red hair. I continued my walk toward a particular room, ignoring the words of the others already behind me. The door was ajar. I didn't knock to signal my presence. I just entered. A brown-haired boy was lying on a top bunk and a boy red hair in a bed under, on the other side. Ah! Here he is!

I came out of my stupor and realized the mistake I had just committed. I didn't even know what I came to tell him...

Kihyun: Oh, good evening Ha Neul. Why are you here at this late hour of the night?

I focused on Kihyun to avoid seeing the look that Jooheon would give me. I knew he didn't want to see me, but if I do like him, and avoid talking to him and seeing him, then we would never talk again. I had less pride than Jooheon and basically, I was grateful for that.

Kihyun (seeing my silence): I guess it's not for me anyway. If you want to talk, go somewhere else, I won't move from my bed.

Jooheon: We have nothing to say. Can you get out of my room now, please.

Kihyun had almost fell out of bed Minhyuk had rushed to the room.

Minhyuk: Did he say what I think I heard him say?

I nodded in a long, puzzled movement. His mother had him brainwashed damn, it couldn't be possible.

He wanted me to go. Okay. For today. I was tired, so weak and sensitive. He could be sure that I would return one day when I am in great shape. I'll find things to say.

I went to sit on a chair in the living room. The one on which I sat when I went to see Jooheon the day he was "sick" and that the other guys were going to a fan meeting.

I think Kihyun and Minhyuk were surprised to see abandon this fast. Normally, I would have fought, I would have talked to him. If he really didn't want to come alone with me, I would have told him everything in front of everyone. The problem is that I had nothing particular to say. I was too disoriented to find the right words that would express perfectly what needs to be discussed.

Hyungwon (whispering): Don't worry, it'll pass.

Wonho (also whispering): Yeah, Jooheon is a wimp. He wouldn't survive one month without you. His mother may say what she wants, his need of you will surface soon enough, I can guarantee that to you.

I just hoped what they said was true.

Shownu (whispering (you understand that they're all whispering because the door of Jooheon's room is open and they don't want him to hear, so I'll stop writing it)): His mother came once again two days ago. I don't know what she has against you so suddenly, but she said she would prefer you not to come here. It's already good that Jooheon told you to leave his room and not the dormitory.

Me: And yet, the only thing I said was that I wasn't ready to get married right away...

End of chapter 14! Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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