Chapter 3

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I subtly slipped out of the apartment and walked as silently as possible to the boys' one. As I expected, they were all still asleep. Okay.. I had to admit it was only seven thirty.

I had the sudden good idea to prepare their breakfast. I took some stuff out of the fridge, then I opened a cupboard; it was at this moment that Ha Neul knew she fucked up.

A metal pan fell from the top of the cupboard to noisily crash on the floor. I put a hand over my mouth regretting not to have paid more attention. Yet they could store a little better their dishes.

Only remained for me to wait till my time comes. It was clear that one of them was coming to kill me. Firstly because they think I'm an intruder who entered by offense (like a sasaeng), secondly because I have awakened them and thirdly because I woke them up.

Maybe I had the time to get out before anyone came to find me... I heard footsteps heading towards the kitchen. If I would run to the entrance, I would probably stumble somewhere even if there was nothing in my way because I'm just so very awkward and I would draw attention on myself. The only solution was to hide under the kitchen  table. What have I done to deserve this?? I had good intentions in coming here.

I saw two feet getting dangerously close to the table. And without a moment of hesitation, the person crouched to get to my level.

I.M: Well Ha Neul, I didn't know your new hobby was sitting under my kitchen table at 7 o'clock in the morning.

I said nothing and continued to smile innocently.

I.M: You want to stay there all day, or..?

I got out from under the table and he held out his hand to help me stand up.

I.M: Or you and Jooheon had a date under the table because rooms are occupied by the other guys? The bathroom would have been much more appropriate than the table though. Frankly, you should reconsider your plans.

Me: Can you just shut up.

I.M: Oh, you can talk now?

I sighed, discouraged of his bad jokes.

Me: I couldn't sleep anymore so I thought I could prepare breakfast for all of you.

I.M: You should eat with your friends. If you have moved in together a week before starting to work, it's in order for you to get closer, not for you to spend your time with us.

I gave him my best imitation of the pitiful cat in Shrek and he gave in. As always.

I.M: Ok ok, for now it's correct.

He took me by the waist and lifted me to put me like a sack of potatoes on his shoulder. A shout got out of my mouth and I froze. I.M laughed and I accompanied him until a voice interrupted us.

?: Can I know what you guys are doing?

Oh... In addition, it's Jooheon I disturbed this time.

I.M: Well, I'll leave you to your romantic date under the table, but as I said to Ha Neul, the bathroom would be much better. SLEEEEP!

He went to his room and I found myself alone with a sleepy and grumpy Jooheon. He sat on the couch and yawned.

Jooheon: You know that one day I'll make you regret to have woken me up that way this morning.

I swallowed hard. His revenges tended to be very harsh. I was already dreading his revenge.

I continued to watch him waking up slowly walking toward the couch. To my surprise, he offered me to eat elsewhere.

Except that going to eat like this, at the restaurant, when it tempts us, is now impossible. Jooheon is recognized practically everywhere. And it would be worse if we were seen together. People don't know me, they don't know that I'm part of the next group of girls that will debut under Starship Entertainment, but the day I'll get known, it'll go bad for us.

We would need to hide ten times more than now because people would start to recognized me. Already that we are part of the same agency, people will make a link quickly.

I'm still surprised that we have the right to date. I would've thought that they would've forbidden us to do so, that it was part of the job, but no.

Me: And what about eating here, just us two before the others get up?

Jooheon: If you cook, I don't mind.

Me: I'm your girlfriend, not your maid. You're going to cook with me. Like we used to do last year.

Jooheon: You'll need to do more to convince me.

Me: Oh no, please, I don't feel like doing aegyo this morning.

Jooheon: Ah. This is the price to pay.

I sighed heavily as a sign of my abandonment.

Me: Well, what do you want me to do?

Jooheon: You choose and I'll tell you if that's enough.

Me: But stop, it's downright slavery.

Jooheon: Pff, what are you saying?

He grabbed my arms so I couldn't fight back and had me down beside him. I tried to fight but in the end, I finished completely on my back. He had one foot on the ground and his arms were on either side of my body so I couldn't run away.

Jooheon: You're in a bad position now, aren't you?

I pretended not to hear and I turned my head to the side to not have to look at him. As he saw that I didn't care, he started kissing my ear, what I hated more than anything. Obviously, I put my head up to protect my ear. His lips found the way up to my lips and we kissed tenderly until a knock at the door interrupted us.

Jooheon: I'll be back in a minute, wait for me.

He came back 15 seconds later.

Jooheon: It's for you.

I replaced my hair and smoothed my clothes the best I could.

I found Suk Hee waiting for me on the other side of the door, head down.

Suk Hee: The manager has an announcement to make...

End of chapter 3! Sorry for late update >_< I had a trip in Toronto and didn't have my computer with me (I wouldn't have had the time either tho xD) Thanks for waiting^^


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