Chapter 19

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Two weeks later, life had returned to normal and the pressure was growing for us. D Day continued to get closer and everyone was on the edge: me, the other two girls, our manager, our teachers and PD Kim. But it wasn't just stress, there was also excitement of course.

In the afternoon of Saturday, while we were practicing the choregraphy again and again, Jooheon asked to speak to me. The choreographer hesitated, but Jooheon insisted that it was urgent and he gave us a 3-minute break.

I followed him in the hallway wondering what was so important.

Jooheon: What if we go out tonight? As for a real date. We never really had one.

I didn't expect that. How was it urgent?

Me: Jooheon... I don't really have the time you know. We still have much to do.

Jooheon: I know Ha Neul, I've already been there, but you still have a month left. If you miss an evening on 30, I don't think it will disturb anyone.

Me: What time?

Jooheon: I'll come pick you up at seven.

Me: We live next to each other...

Jooheon: I know, but I want to do this as formally as possible. As a true normal couple.

I nodded, sighing. If it was what he wanted, why not.

Jooheon (before leaving): And make yourself beautiful eh, I don't want to go out with a homeless looking person.

I gave him a look indicating that it would be better for him to leave before I hit him. He winked at me and left.

Without even realizing it, I felt my heart beating at full speed. I admit that this event didn't leave me indifferent. I was glad he thought of it though. I remembered some of our dates. It was true that we never ever had a "rendezvous" to speak of.

The practice continued, however, my mind was completely elsewhere. My mind was tormented by the outfit I would wear, the makeup that I would choose, the shoes that would be most appropriate, the hairstyle I should have, etc. Seeing the total disconnect of my brain, we had another break of 5 minutes.

Cha Min: Hey Ha Neul, you okay? You don't seem on the same planet as us.

Me: Um, yes I am. Very well even.

Suk Hee remained a little behind. I motioned her to come forward and talk to us. I understood that she wanted to avoid the subject of Jooheon not to seem to be still dependent, but it honestly didn't bother me.

Cha Min: What was the emergency?

I looked at them one by one and an uncontrollable smile appeared on my face.

Me: He invited me on a date. A real this time.

The girls posted up a crestfallen face.

Suk Hee: Since you guys are together it's not a new thing.

Me: You can't understand.

The practice continued and the last delivery of the day, we were allowed for the first time to do the choreography while singing for real. We were in the last sprint which would last about a month. The next week we were filming the music video for our single and the following week, teasers would be put on YouTube. All this would happen so quickly.

Returning to the apartment, I felt the stress of the evening rise again.

C'mon Ha Neul, I thought, this isn't the first time you go out with him.

Yet it seems that this evening really had a special meaning.

I started by taking a quick shower. I dried my hair and curled them especially for the occasion.

Oh crap, why did I do my hair before dressing up? I'll just be more careful and take care of what got moved after.

I opened the door of my wardrobe and watched my outfits. None of them were made for a rendezvous... I practically wore jeans only, I would like to try something new, wilder.

I walked to Suk Hee's room where she was taking a nap.

Me (shy): Um.. Suk Hee?

She opened her eyes and got up when she saw me.

Suk Hee: What is it?

Me: Do you... I... Could I borrow a dress?

She stood up with enthusiasm.

Suk Hee: Of course I can borrow you one!! We'll go shopping for you one of these days! Well, what colour do you like? I would say that with the complexion of your face and the color of your hair, blue would be perfect.

She offered me two models of blue dresses. I pointed with my finger to the left and she smiled instantly.

Suk Hee: I was hoping you would pick that one!

I went to change clothes and returned to show her the result.

Suk Hee: Ha Neul, you're beautiful! I have shoes that go with it if you want.

I nodded politely. She brought them to me and luckily they were my size.

She then gave me some earrings and a necklace to conclude my outfit.

Min Cha insisted to do my makeup, to believe that I was going on a red carpet, and with their help, I was ready just in time. I applied perfume on my neck and on my wrists before I went to sit in the living room.

Jooheon arrived at 7pm exactly. Again, my heart couldn't stop beating at a breakneck speed. When he saw me, his mouth fell open and his eyes widened. He was speechless. I suddenly felt embarrassed to have his eyes looking at me so intensely, but I was glad he appreciated this version of me.

He asked Min Cha to take a picture with his phone, which she did without hesitation.

We then left for the restaurant where we would eat. It was a big fancy restaurant with a very good reputation.

During the meal, we talked about everything and nothing, days at the agency, the progress of our projects, the coming year and also moments from the past. He reassured me the best he could about his mother, he said that he believes in our future and that he was willing to take his time before getting married.

After eating, we got back on the road.

Me: Where are we going?

Jooheon: It's a surprise.

Me: And what is this surprise?

He smiled, but said nothing.

Me: Tell me the Jooheon!!

Jooheon: You'll see when we'll arrive.

I pouted and remained silent throughout the ride. After ten minutes, he turned into the courtyard of a building. And this place, if I'm not mistaken, was a... hotel?!

End of chapter 19! Yeah 2 chapters on the same day cuz I have time and because I felt bad when I posted the 18th chapter xD It wasn't interesting at all lol Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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