Chapter 5

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Hyorin: You have a lack of enthusiasm. And that makes your rap boring.

Me: Oh okay. Thank you.

I returned on the computer again to improve everything.

Bora arrived later with Suk Hee who was the other rapper in our group.

Min Cha and Yun were with Dasom and Soyou.

Bora: Now it's time to learn a dance that Hyorin and I have choreographed specially for this occasion.

My heart started to beat faster for a short moment.

Not dance... Already that Hyorin didn't seem to appreciate my rap, I had a small chance left to impress her with my dancing skills, but let's not have too much hope eh. Otherwise, there will be singing as a last resort.

The schedule was as followed:

1st day

Morning: Rap

Afternoon: Dance

2nd day

Morning: Dance

Afternoon: Singing

We basically had around a day to learn the dance. You can be sure that I was going to practice like crazy in the evening.

And ask for Shownu and Hyungwon's help. Yep.

No. It's unfair for the other girls who don't have contacts like me.

But... it's like a kind of competition so everyone does with what he has.

I will therefore ask for help.

I have great empathy and I'm generous, but this time, it's about my dream and I'm not willing to jeopardize it. It may seem selfish, but if I always give everything to everyone, there would never be anything for me, and being generous doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself. Sometimes we have to think about ourselves too. Anyway, they would do the same as me I guess.

I saw that Hyorin and Bora noticed that it took me time to remember and to coordinate my movements correctly. Suk Hee, she was doing very well. And the more I was stressing about my slowness to assimilate what they showed, the less I did well. And Suk Hee was getting more confident and she rose in the girls' esteem.

When I entered in the apartment, I briefly spoke with the girls of my today's impressions. Soon after, I made them believe I was going to spend time with Jooheon to decompress, but it was obviously not what I would do. Who would relax in this kind of situation?

Seeing the door of Monsta X's appartment opening, I immediately felt less stressed. I felt that with their help, everything could work out and go for the best.

Me: Hi Minhyuk. Can I come in?

Minhyuk: Yeah, of course. You know you're always welcome here.

I entered and went to the living room. I bowed to Wonho who was eating with Jooheon when I passed in front of them. I changed my direction to give a quick kiss on Jooheon's cheek who was about to say something, but he was stopped by the food that filled his mouth.

Going back to the living room, I almost ran into I.M.

Me: Damn, look at where you're going.

He excused himself and hurried out of the apartment. What was with him so suddenly?

I shrugged and joined Shownu on the couch. I turned to him, my hands stuck against each other as if I was about to beg.

It's a bit what I was actually gonna do.

Me: I really need you to help please. I also need Hyungwon. You are my saviors.

Shownu: Dance, right?

Me: It's that obvious..?

Shownu: When you come to me, it's always for the same thing you know.

He laughed, but I could tell it annoyed him to only serves me as a dance teacher.

Shownu: We're going to practice in the laundry downstairs. There is probably no one tonight at this time. Go find Hyungwon.

Me: Thank you! Really, you don't know how grateful I am.

He nodded swiftly. He was right, it was the same thing every time.

We went down to the laundry room where there was no one.

Hyungwon: Do you remember the choregraphy at least?

I laughed nervously and saw the anguish in their eyes for a moment.

Me: I'm not sure to remember everything, but I have a video of the dance.

They seemed to be relieved and I showed them the video.

Shownu: It's pretty simple as a dance. We shouldn't have too much difficulty to help you master it like a pro.

Hyungwon: You forgot that we're talking about Ha Neul right now? "We shouldn't have too much difficulty to help you master it like a pro." I wouldn't speak too fast if I was you.

Ha Neul: Hey!! I'm here in case you haven't noticed.

We practiced for about 3 hours. When we returned upstairs, we each went back to our own places. I opened the door and the place seemed completely empty. At the last moment, I glimpsed Min Cha sitting at the kitchen table rehearsing a song.

Me: You know where the others are?

She shaked her head and shrugged.

It was then that I received a text from Shownu telling me that Suk Hee was in Monsta X's dormitory. So I rushed there. Just 15 seconds later, I knocked on the door once again today. Kihyun opened to me and said in a low voice, so low that I had to read on his lips, to go to the kitchen.

I went, wondering what was going on. The silhouette of Suk Hee appeared and beside her was Jooheon who began rapping. He couldn't see me because I was behind them.

He was helping her? I felt a twinge of sadness. No, it wasn't jealousy, far from it. Not even a little bit. However, it  slightlybothered me that he helped someone other than me as he keeps saying that I almost deserve moreto realize my dream and be in this group than the other girls. There's a good (bad) chance that the CEO cut in rappers and considering that there are only me and Suk Hee, the game will be tight. In a sense, he's currently providing assistance to the enemy.

Looking back, I smiled to the guys who were watching my reaction.

I did a kind of comprehension facial expression to make them understand that I was okay with it (even if in fact I wasn't at all).

I was looking for I.M who wouldn't hesitate to come to me and ask me if I was okay. We talked less since I arrived here and I couldn't help thinking of how I missed the time before.

Wonho: Stop searching, he came out.

I thanked him with a nod and said goodbye.

Going back home, I went directly to my room to continue practicing. I took advantage because Min Cha occupied the kitchen. Then I took a shower and went to bed. That night, I had a restless sleep.

End of chapter 5! Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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