Chapter 12

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Jooheon's mother..?


No, but wait, what the hell is this?

She stepped forward and leaned slightly.

Jooheon's mother: Hi Ha Neul. Nice to meet you.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her, fascinated by her presence here. Realizing suddenly that she was expecting an answer, I bowed too, but a little lower.

Me: Nice to meet you too.

It's been a while since I started dating Jooheon and yet I had never met his mother. And I never imagined that I would meet her in the hall of my house, without Jooheon.

Speaking of him, should I text him to warn?

No, I should wait and see how things go and then tell him.

Also, I didn't know the reason for her coming.

Maybe they had already seen each other before. My father was the kind to hide things like this to me. And what if they met several times to discuss about Jooheon and me, but that in the end, they fell in in love? Oh, that would really be the worst situation.

Father: Well, let's go back to the living room.

I followed and sat on a chair. I knew my father knew about the group, but I was expecting at least that he would congratulate me. He was too concentrated to discuss with Jooheon's mom. A topic that didn't interest me anyway.

Father: Ha Neul, would you make us some tea please?

Me: Hmm? Oh okay.

Hopefully I won't become the servant of this evening. I knew it was the mother of Jooheon, but I strongly hoped that it wouldn't be like that the whole night. I came to spend time with my father and what a surprise to see someone more unexpected here exactly the day I decided to come home. It's true that I didn't tell my dad though.

I brought them tea and scowled in my chair without them even noticing. I wanted to go lock myself in my room and enjoy this place that I miss, however, there was still my mother-in-law with me so I had to behave myself.

Jooheon's mother: Ha Neul, before your arrival, we were talking about a possible wedding between you and Jooheon. What do you think?

I spontaneously stood up from the chair. I smiled, embarrassed, and sat back.

Me: Um... I... I don't know...

Jooheon's mother: I see. Well, it was a pleasure to meet you.

She got up from the couch on which she was sitting. What was happening?

Me: Well, I mean... it's a little early to think about it, no..? I'm very young and I'll be only turning 19 years. I'm not even in my twenties yet, it's really early to think of marriage.

Jooheon's mother: Yes, I understand.

She continued her way to the entrance, my father on her steps. What was this f**king wedding story? They talk about that together without even consulting Jooheon and me.

Jooheon's mother (to my father): Goodbye and thank you for welcoming me into your house.

And she left the house.

My father (returning to the living room): Did you want to invite your friends to come and eat here?

Me: Just I.M will be enough.

While my father was preparing supper and I was waiting for I.M, we discussed about what had happened earlier.

Father: I didn't know at all who she was. She arrived like that without warning. She explained the reason for her presence and so I let her come in. And that's when she started saying that Jooheon was an idol and that his next years were going to be very busy. So she wanted him to marry early to have some stability or something.

Me: Huh?

My father: And after I told her that you would be an idol too and she then tried to convince me that you should get married as soon as possible to avoid I don't know what misfortunes and that it was good that you two were already dating.

He took a pause to breath and swallow saliva.

My father: It was a short summary of what she said because she talked for a long time but like a very long time.

The thing that I didn't understand was that normally, the companies preferred that their idols remain single. It's sure that Monsta X wasn't as famous as Bigbang and my group hadn't even debuted yet, but one day it will. Technically, we had the right to go out with someone but for a marriage, let's forget about that already. Just by going out with him, I was risking the insults of his fans (who fortunately still think that he's free).

Father: Anyway, I told her that I wasn't going to make that choice for you.

Good thing I had a dad like him.

Me: Thank you, you did the right thing.

I heard a knock at the door. I ran to the door and opened it happily. I was happy to be able to enjoy one more evening with him.

We sat at the table and were soon served plates that seemed downright delicious.

Father: So, is it good?

I.M: Excellent sir! Oh really, you're a cooking god.

I nearly choked, repressing a laugh of discouragement.

My father: So, tell me I.M, what's new in your life? It's been a while since I've seen you.

I.M (full mouth): No big things. By the way Ha Neul, Jooheon's mother passed by at the apartment earlier to see Jooheon.

Me: Ah... and then?

I.M: Basically, she said she didn't want him to frequent you anymore. And she left by saying "A woman who doesn't want to marry is a woman to avoid."

End of chapter 12! Sorry for the wait T_T Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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