Chapter 25

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Cho Hae: His girlfriend? He must have many girl-friends.

Is it me or Jooheon'svery good at being surrounded by stupid girls?

Me: His girlfriend, his companion, the person who shares his life right now.

She looked at me, she laughed, and then she left.

I didn't know how to take her reaction, but at least now I could return to Jooheon.

When I entered the cafeteria, I saw I.M standing up quickly and by the time I reached the table, he put a new dish on it.

I.M: Your food was cold so I changed  your plate.

Me (as I sat): Thank you.

Jooheon: What did you do by the way?

Me: Me? Oh.. I.. I needed to go to the bathroom.

Jooheon: It was too long for you to have only gone to the toilet.

Me: I.. I.. got some gastric problems.

Jooheon: You're always eating like a pig so it 's understandable.

Me: What?! But that's not true!!!

I.M: Well yeah it is.

Me: I haven't asked for your opinion! I never request for it if you had not noticed. You are really infuriating when you get into it together.

Two weeks later, they allowed Jooheon to leave the hospital and return to the dorm. He didn't have the right to dance and couldn't go to the various fan meetings for prevention issues; if he ever found himself in a crowd of fans, he could get hurt and hinder his healing.

Nobody had seen Cho Hae and I was very happy. Everyone was going to be better without her around.

Although during these two weeks Jooheon remained at the hospital, I didn't have the chance to visit him very often. My schedule was increasingly filled and still I came very late at night and completely exhausted. And despite his discharge from the hospital, I still had no time for him.


Wonho: Don't worry, he'll be fine without you. You're not the center of his life.

The other guys looked at him expressing their disagreement.

Wonho: Well, maybe you're slightly the center of his life, but again, he can survive.

Hyungwon: Whatever.

Kihyun: So how's your preparation going?

Once again, we ate our lunch together in the kitchen of the agency.

Me: Fine, but it's not easy. It's harder than I imagined. It's true that it's good to practice, I love it, but fatigue makes it less amusing. I have less energy.

Shownu: It's normal, you're not yet used to this pace of life, but it will come. We were all a bit like that too.

After another long and tiring day, I returned to the apartment around one in the morning. Upon entering my room, I found a note on my bed. I put it on my bedside table and went to take a shower. When I came back, I forgot about it and went to bed immediately. It was the only thing my body wanted.

When I got up the next morning, I saw the note and took it with me into the kitchen to read it while eating my breakfast.

I sat looking at it with my sleepy eyes which opened wide when they stumbled on the name of Cho Hae at the bottom of the small piece of pink paper. I approached my face to see better what was written.

"Meet me at 2pm at the park near your agency. I think we had a little misunderstanding and I want us to develop a beautiful friendship  which will start on the right foot.

Cho Hae :)"

I let go the paper and let it fall next to my cereal bowl.

It was rather strange that she wanted to meet me. I didn't think we had anything more to tell each other after we met at the hospital. I didn't want her near me and so near Jooheon. She had therapies and all that was good for her, but was it really possible to cure psychopathy?

Though in retrospect, what bothered me the most now was the fact that the note was found on my bed. I came along Suk Hee and Min Cha...

And if...

No, it wasn't possible. It was stupid to consider that possibility.

I finished preparing and went right away to the agency by driving these thoughts away from my mind. Don't tell the girls about it. No extra stress. I was just going to handle it all by myself.

This morning we made a kind of TV show simulation in the style of Weekly Idol where we were shown how to properly present our group and  to find our presentation slogan. Then we had to show our charms, or rather I should say, to find them.

It wasn't a secret, an idol without a hidden talent is not an idol. Or if there really isn't anything, you must have something really special.

Cha Min: Ahh, it was really fun to do that.

Suk Hee: Yes! I can't wait to go on real TV sets!

I smiled and nodded. I had to find a way to leave for 2pm.

Me: Hey, girls, do you mind if we put our lunch hour at 2pm and we do what we had planned at 2pm now?

Suk Hee: Why?

Me: I have an appointment with... an old friend from high school. There won't be other times when we can meet.

Min Cha: Okay, no problem. But at least eat an apple or something not to starve till we end at 2.

Me: Thank you! You guys are the best!

And I meant it.

As expected, I went to the park near the agency at 13:57 precisely.

I looked around to find her and saw her sitting on a bench.

I walked slowly towards her examining her every move. She seemed normal.

Me: Hi Cho Hae.

Cho Hae: Ha Neul! I didn't think you would come!

End of chapter 25! Long time..:) Don't hate me:) So when I wrote this chapter (almost a year ago) I had just broken with my ex so that's why it isn't very interesting (I was so depressed that I didn't have any more ideas for the story xD) Anyway why am I telling you this lol Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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