Chapter 7

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*POV of Ha Neul*

I made my way through the crowd to reach the front. I imagined myself instead of the members of Monsta X, sitting on the stage behind the table, acclaimed from all sides by a horde of crazy fans. Would it even happen one day?

Finally, I reached the first row. They were already sitting and looking around the crowd. I specifically stared at Jooheon, proud of where he was now. I was hoping to make him proud of me one day too.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on me and he jumped squarely. Then he tried to act as nothing happened to not distraught the fans. He continued to smile and I laughed at him in silence.

When the session ended, I went out through the back of the mall and went to the place that had been indicated to me. I saw the same car that I was now accustomed to travel in and went inside.

Minhyuk: Oh Ha Neul!

Me: Hello!

Minhyuk: And you're not coming alone!

Indeed, I was accompanied by two other girls.

Shownu: Why are you here?

Me: Well.. you have officially in front of you the new girlsband of Starship Entertainment.

Jooheon: Oh my God not really.

He stood up (let's say he stood half up because it's not really possible to be fully standing up in the van) and he took me in his arms. I swear, I thought he was going to cry. Everyone seemed happy for me. They gave me a few pats on the shoulder and congratulated me. They did the same with the other two girls. There was I.M who seemed not to be like usual and didn't seem to feel good. I wanted to go and sit next to him for us to discuss quietly, but I was caught between Wonho and Hyungwon who didn't stop talking about what might happen to me in the near future. They seemed quite happy to be able to advise me on some stuff since they had already experienced it.

Kihyun: So basically you came to tell us the good new?

Me: Yep, exactly.

Hyungwon: Honestly, I'm surprised Suk Hee's here. I thought the game was between you and her. I didn't expect that he cuts a singer.

Suk Hee: It's because Ha Neul is good at singing AND rapping. I guess her singing was beyond Yun's and considering that she's also very good at rapping, it wasn't too hard to choose.

Ha Neul: But still, she was good.

I.M: Well of course she was.

Wow, he can still talk.

Shownu: I'm sure it hasn't been easy.

Min Cha: It's clear. In addition, she had to leave the room as soon as the announcement was over. Then the CEO dropped us a single congratulation and left us in the hands of our manager. And it's with him that we got here.

Jooheon: Well, it's time to leave. I don't think you can all enter the van.

Suk Hee: Oh it's fine. Min Cha, this time, it's me who'll stay and next time, it will be you okay?

Suk Hee rushed to the place next to Jooheon and Min Cha left the van bringing with her the discomfort that Suk Hee had just created.

On one ear I listened to Hyungwon and on the other, I focused on the conversation Suk Hee and Jooheon were having. She kept praising him as if anything without him couldn't have succeeded, he had led her to success, his rap would have been nothing without his help, etc. I began almost to have nausea. I thought it was a good thing that Jooheon opens himself to other people, but if she would have been chosen and not me, he would have heard about it for a while. Because in my case, he didn't help me this time. And again, I want to say that this is not jealousy. He may become good friends with her, I don't care because I know je would be the last person on earth to cheat on me. I was just annoyed by how she tried to get his attention.

Suddenly, I thought of Min Cha and I felt bad for letting her go alone with the manager. We could, Suk Hee and I, go with her. We were a band, right? What's the thing with letting a member out? We shouldn't have let her go alone. I felt that there would be work to do with Suk Hee. It wasn't the end of our troubles.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of Shownu's place. What if I asked him to change with me? He wasn't talking to I.M anyway. I drew his attention with weird hand signs and tried to make him understand that I wanted to change places with him. He didn't understand at all so I mouthed the words silently on my lips. Against all expectations, he understood and left me his seat. I.M seemed to be lost in his thoughts and didn't notice me. I touched his arm gently to get his attention. He turned his head and let out a small smile.

Me: Is it me or we don't see each other anymore?

He shook his head in agreement. I waited for him to say something to support his nod but nothing came out of his mouth.

Me: You know, if something goes wrong, I'm always there for you. You really don't seem to be well this week.

I.M: It's fine, Ha Neul. I just want everyone to leave me in alone.

This answer whipped me in the face. 2 years ago, when we began to see each other regularly, he told me that talking with me helped him a lot when he wasn't feeling well or was in trouble. Today, I saw a sad and lost I.M. His eyes reflected the vacuum. In just one week, he lost his joy.

His phone emitted a vibration and he rushed to look at the message he had received. He spent his whole time on his cell. I no longer recognized him and I intended to find out the reason that was behind his strange behaviour.

End of chapter 7! Sorry again for late update:/ Study study study lel >.> Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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