Chapter 6

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Jooheon: Gotta go. I've just been told that we're leaving for 3 days for some fan meetings in several cities. We call every night, alright?

Me: Yeah, don't worry.

Jooheon: And everything will go well for you. You're vital to this company and this group, believe me.

Me: Okay, I'll be fine. You can go.

He kissed me on the forehead and looked into my eyes for a few seconds, then pressed a long kiss on my lips before leaving.

Jooheon (almost in the elevator): Don't do stupid things okay.

Me: Me? Do stupid things? Pff. Talk for yourself.

He waved his hand to say goodbye and disappeared into the elevator to join the other members who probably had to wait for him in the van.

Because of me, they were still waiting after Jooheon. Still, I didn't feel any guilt about that. *Mischievous grin*

I left the building with the girls for the stressful coming day.

First things, we were 5 minutes late. And it was all because of Mrs. Yun who took forever to do her hair and makeup. I, who could never ever be late, lost a point on punctuality and this was clearly not my fault. But we all lost one.

We got back to learning the choreography and I noticed that Hyorin and Bora seemed surprised to see me doing good. The fact of practicing relentlessly was something very positive in this area. Being rigorous in what is reported is great and is a really important quality.

While Suk Hee had only focused on her rap yesterday (with Jooheon.), I had mostly practiced dance. I knew it was my weak point. Now I was totally better than her in dance. I loved this little feeling of triumph, which I hoped wasn't from the fact that she had spent the evening with Jooheon to practice. He hadn't even offered me his help.

Hyorin: It was good, we can take a break.

I sat on the floor and took a long sip of water. The girls did the same, breathing heavily.

Hyorin: Hey, I heard that one of you was going out with..

She turned to Bora.

Hyorin: With Jooheon, right?

Bora nodded. She always seemed so cheerful. I'd like to be like her. Whatever, it's not important.

Hyorin: Yeah, so who's the girl among you who dates Jooheon?

I felt myself getting smaller. I'd rather if my private life remained out of this quite decisiveday for my future.

Suk Hee: It's Ha Neul. It's been a while now that they're together. You didn't know it yet?

Hyorin: I'm not always trying to dig into the small and insignificant stories of our hoobae.

I found her very arrogant sometimes.

The day ended, they said that their DECISON would be announced tomorrow. It was one of the worst stress I had felt in my life. And to worsen the whole, Jooheon was far from me. His hugs were the best medicine against stress and anxiety. The only thing left for me was to go hug my pillow and imagine it was him.

*POV of Jooheon*

We were off to one of the largest mall centers of Busan's city. It was always a pleasure to meet fans and talk a little bit with each of them. It's thanks to them that we realize how our efforts have served. To hear how they are inspired and how our music makes them feel better, I think there is no better reward.

Yet today, I was a feeling a less good than usual. I ony talked to Ha Neul 5 minutes last night on the phone, because she was tired and didn't feel well. So I let her go to sleep. I also knew she had to get up early, as official members of the group were to be unveiled in the morning. I regretted not being able to be with her right now. I hadn't heard of her since then and I began to worry seriously. What if she hadn't succeeded..?

I immediately took this idea out of my head. Let's be positive.

Minhyuk: Hey Jooheon, you're okay? You don't look too well.

Hyungwon: He must think about Ha Neul. Anyway, it's the only thing he does.

Minhyuk: Yeeeaah, that's right.

I threw a death glance to Hyungwon, but hecompletely ignored me. He grew up so fast this little boy.

Kihyun: Put away your phones, we can play a game to wait till we arrive. We have at least half an hour to wait.

They all nodded. It'll change my mind.

Kihyun: You have any ideas?

Shownu: We can simply do a mime game.

Kihyun: Yeah, any other ideas? Otherwise we will go for mimes.

Nobody replied.

Kihyun: Well it's decided.

Each of us wrote 3 things to mime on pieces of paper and we put them in a small bowl.

Wonho: And for the teams?

Kihyun: Oh crap, we have to make teams.

Me: Don't think to hard, the four on this side are together and the three sitting on the other side are together.

So the first team was Minhyuk, Hyungwon, Kihyun and me and the second team was Wonho, Shownu and I.M.

Minhyuk: I.M put away your phone, we're starting.

He put it next to him and I began by dipping a small piece of paper. I had to mime a chair... It was Hyungwon for sure.

I tried to place myself in a correct position, but the van braked suddenly and I fell. They all started to laugh at me and I couldn't help but laugh with them.

Once again, Minhyuk asked I.M to put his phone away. To avoid that he takes it again, he was the first in his team to mime. He only managed to do three in total.

But when our turn came, the phone found its place back in his hands. I didn't care to whom he texted, but I was tired of it.

Me: I.M stop using your f*cking phone and stay focused on the game.

I took it from his hand and put it in my bag. He seemed frustrated as I took it, but at least he didn't take it back suring the rest of the ride.

When we arrived, we were cheered by hundreds of fans gathering around the small stage, but also on the higher floors, who greeted us with their hands.

We introduced ourselves and took place behind the small table where we autographed our albums and talked with the fans. I watched all these people who had moved here just to see us and I noticed Ha Neul. Ha Neul! She was accompanied by two other girls.

End of chapter 6! Sorry for the wait but because the school year is almost over, I have many homework to do and exams coming. Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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