Chapter 23

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Me: And what did you text him for..?

Cho Hae: To tell him that I'm back. I know I must have hurt him so much, but it's over now. I'm ready to restart a healthy relationship.

I was really, really tempted to ask her who she was, except that I was afraid to seem rude and cheeky.

Cho Hae: Hey, why do you have this big bag with you?

Me: Um, I... I'll spend the night here.

Cho Hae: Oh! you're family? A far cousin I guess.

I said nothing, I did nothing but frowned, but she didn't seem to notice.

Cho Hae: Okay, well, I'll leave you in family. Good evening and take good care of Jooheon.

Technically, if I marry Jooheon, we would be family, right? Not as cousins, but still. So I didn't really lied to this girl. Anyway, it was her who let out this nonsense and I just forgot to rectify.

But what had taken me to tell Jooheon's mom that it would not bother me to get married. At least I don't have to worry about this for a little while. And then would come the time to discuss about it with Jooheon... He will probably be furious. Still, marriage doesn't equal "forever" necessarily. Divorce doesn't exist for nothing. Not that I was already thinking about divorce, but I just wanted to say that if ever it wasn't working between us after a while, it was always possible to separate. But I don't think we will need to.

I went to the hospital cafeteria for something to eat, then returned to Jooheon's room. I immediately put my pajamas on because I wouldn't go outside for the rest of the night, and sang a few songs to make him pass the time. He could hear me, I was certain of that. It was only a matter of time before he wakes up. I sat with my phone in hand on the sofa bed on which I was going to sleep that night. I saw several articles on Facebook about the accident of Jooheon.

"This afternoon at 12:47, a car crashed in a tree on the road Bongeunsa-ro 114-gil in Gangnam neighborhood of Seoul. The driver of the car, a young man in his twenties, was on his way to the talent agency Starship Entertainment where he is part of the boyband Monsta X which debuted last year. Despite several injuries, we don't fear for the life of this young idol who still has a long career ahead of him. The investigation suggests that the accident was caused by the use of a cell phone while driving. We have no further details at this time. Let's pray for him and hope that he recovers well."

It's funny how it seems that this kind of things always happen to others. But when it happens to someone you're close to, that's when you realize how life hangs by a thread.

It was now almost eleven. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I returned, I had barely walked through the door when I saw the arms of Jooheon moving slightly. I hastened to go to his bed and sat next to him. I took his hand and softly said his name several times to wake him.

He finally opened his eyes and looked totally lost. His eyes fell on me. He had no expression, he was still a little sleepy. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him to sleep (even if he had slept all day). I pretended to go to sleep too, however, I was watching him from the corner of the eye to see if he was sleeping. I wasn't going to fall asleep as long as he wouldn't sleep too.

I suddenly remembered that the nurse asked me to warn her if he woke up. I pressed the button thingy next to the bed and a nurse came in the following seconds. I told her that Jooheon just woke up and she examined him, verified his vital signs, his pressure, etc.

When all his needs were fulfilled, the nurse and two others who came to help her left.

This day was exhausting and I was really tired. But Jooheon didn't seem to be ready to fall back asleep.

Jooheon: Ha Neul... could you... come here?

I approached slowly. He patted the side of the bed where I sat down again.

Jooheon: You're going to sleep with me, right? You're not gonna leave me alone?

Me (taking my most reassuring voice): I'm going to sleep right there next to your bed.

I pointed out the place, but he (hardly) shook his head.

Jooheon: I want you to sleep with me.

What kind of drugs did the doctors give him?

Me: I can't Jooheon, the bed is too small and I would be afraid to hurt you while moving in my sleep. You're already damaged enough like that.

I fairly chuckled to lighten the mood, but he still kept this anguished expression. It was true that Jooheon has always been an insecure person.

I decided to stay with him until he fell asleep and then I would go to sleep.

Jooheon: It hurts, Ha Neul.

What could I do in that case. I couldn't calm his pain, nothing I could say or do would make his pain disappear.

Me: They didn't give you anything for the pain?

Jooheon: I don't knooow.

Ha Neul: Wait for me two minutes, I'll be right back.

I ran outside the room to find a nurse. A sleeping pill, that's what he needed.

I returned with a nurse who gave him, as I wanted, a sleeping pill, however, she made him believe that it was a powerful painkiller because it was obvious he wouldn't have accepted a pill to sleep.

The next day I was awakened by the visit of the nurse again. Jooheon didn't even wake up because of sleeping pill he took. She apologized for waking me up, but how could I really be angry against someone who worked day and night to take care of people, in this case, my Jooheon?

In the end, he woke up around 8 am. A lady came to bring him his breakfast, but someone was following behind her. And it was none other than Cho Hae. She entered the room when the lady left.

Cho Hae: Good morning! Jooheon, are you feeling better? Did you sleep well? Do they take care of you well?

Jooheon jumped (rather a subtle jump considering his state). He seemed as confused as when he woke up last night.

Jooheon: Ha.. Ha Neul.. I don't feel good... Can you ask her to leave?

End of chapter 23! Thanks to follow the fiction an to vote^^

Yes I should be doing my homework.

No I don't give a shit.

Ok maybe I do.



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