Chapter 8

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I was lying full length on the bed in my hotel room. I looked at the ceiling trying to think of nothing. Several things tormented my mind. I ran my hand through my hair, uttering a grunt. I hated being so helpless. Yes, I was talking about I.M. He didn't want to talk to me, but knowing him, it was probably the best solution. I had no idea where Suk Hee and Min Cha had gone, but it was nice to be alone in this room to get some rest.

Unending knocks sounded from the door. I got up with difficulty and went to open.

Minhyuk: Ha Neul, have you seen it??

He was always so enthusiastic and happy... How did he do? I had to admit that I loved when he came to me spontaneously like that. We couldn't remain indifferent to his daily liveliness. He conveyed the happiness without even realizing it and that's what was the most beautiful in Minhyuk, this small innocent and naive side of which he was unaware.

Me: Seen what?

He handed me his phone and I saw an article in the official page of the label, which announced the debut of a new girl group to come in a few months. I noticed ahallucinating number of comments. I asked Minhyuk permission to read them.

"I can't wait!!!"

"If they are as good as the Monsta X, it'll be sick."

"Lol. They can't be as good as Sistar! Sistar is too awesome !!"

"Finally a new girl group!!"

"I doubt that Starship can do as well as with Sistar, but I'm looking forward to it..."

There were also several comments asking for a comeback of Monsta X, Boyfriend or Sistar. But in general, they were positive and encouraging. A few of them asked how many members the group would have. A doubt interfered in my thoughts. I was beginning to wonder if the fans would not be disappointed that there are only 3 members? On one hand, it was good because it was less hard to get to know the members. But on the other hand, less members equals less distractions and action.

I gave him back his phone thanking him for showing me this.

Minhyuk: By the way, Jooheon would like to invite you to eat at the restaurant in the hotel tonight. Do you accept?

Me: That would be nice, but why didn't he just ask me by himself?

Minhyuk: He's a little busy right now.

Me: Busy?

Minhyuk: Well I think he's playing a board game with Shownu, Kihyun, Min Cha and Suk Hee. You didn't want to play with them?

Me: They simply didn't tell me. Well, tell Jooheon that if he wants to have dinner with me, he will have to bring his ass here and ask me face to face.

Minhyuk: It's okay, I'll tell him it exactly as you've told me. See ya, Ha Neul!

Me: Bye Minhyuk. Thank you!

I let myself fall on the bed. Maybe I should try meditation? I really didn't know what to do to clear my head. Already, at least, if I could think of nice things. Only the bad thoughts refused to leave.

I settled myself properly on the bed, my back leaning against the wall. I took my tablet and opened Youtube to watch dance covers. I really had time to waste to get there. I watched dance covers annually. And this year, it was today. It was just to pass the time while waiting for Jooheon to finally show up.

Except that after two hours, he still hadn't shown the tip of his nose. And what was I doing here waiting for him? He should've come before. I picked up my purse and went out for a short excursion. I was in a pretty big hotel in the middle of the city of Busan and I was stupid enough to stay in my room. I had a life to live anyway.

I walked around the hotel to see what activities we could do here. I ventured into the arcade and the pool area. Along the way, I met Min Cha who seemed to return from the massage parlor. This idea seemed great.

Min Cha: Ha Neul! I was actually going to see if you were in the room. What did you do all this time? We played about three hours with the guys I think, haha.

Me: Oh, haha. Well I... I took some time for myself, you see.

I smiled as naturally and she didn't seem to notice how smiling was the last thing I wanted to do at the moment.

Cha Min: But you're gonna come to eat with us tonight? We're all going together so you should come too.

Me: Jooheon.. is going too?

Cha Min: Yep, he's the one who suggested it.

I nodded slowly while continuing to smile and told her I had to go.

Direction massage parlor immediately.

After talking with the receptionist, I sat in the waiting room, waiting (yes really, I was waiting in a waiting room, unbelievable.) for someone to come get me.

Did Minhyuk lie saying that Jooheon wanted to invite me to have dinner alone with him? Why would he do that anyway? They all seemed to have fun a lot and I was left out. I know I didn't help myself by staying away from them, but at the same time, there was a bit of hypocrisy there below. They all asked me why I didn't come with them and everything, but did they at least bother to inform me or invite me to join them? To impose my presence was something impossible for me.

A lady in a white dress asked me to follow her and pointed a cabin where I could change. She told me to enter the room through a certain door and that she would join me soon.

*POV of Jooheon*

I couldn't endure it anymore, I was freaking tired. Why was she always after me?

End of chapter 8! 2 exams left before summer vacations so I'll be able to post more often:D Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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