Chapter 4

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Manager: For some reasons that I can't mention, PD Kim decided to debut only three of you to create a trio instead of a quartet. It 's therefore with regret that by next Tuesday, you'll be only three in this apartment.

I couldn't think straight. Did they just announce me that my dream was in danger again? I knew it was selfish of me to think like that because the other girls were in the same situation as me. We were all upset by this new. The manager left afterwards with a compassionate smile. As if that was going to help us.

How will they decide? It was the most important issue.

The right thing would have been to stay with the girls and whining about our fate together. It's just that I did't want. As always, I just needed to see Jooheon. Besides, he must be waiting for me.

I excused myself and left the apartment staring at the ground. When Jooheon heard me coming, he ran up to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

Jooheon: Ha Neul, what happened?

A small tear escaped from the corner of my eye and ran slowly down my cheek.

He affectionately embraced me to comfort me. I rested my head on his shoulder and looked away, my eyes lost in the void of my confusion.

Shownu got out of his room at that time. I saw him staring at me with a puzzled look, then he advanced towards me and Jooheon.

Shownu: Is there something wrong?

I felt Jooheon shrug. I let out my words so suddenly.

Me: It's no longer sure that I'll debut.

Shownu and Jooheon: What?!

Jooheon came unstuck from me and looked at me as if I had just said the most absurd thing ever.

Jooheon: They cannot... I mean... it was sure and then... well they won't dare...

I nodded my head slowly.

Jooheon shooked his head fervently as if he didn't want to accept that my greatest achievement was still in danger.


Hyungwon: I don't think we can do much about it.

Kihyun: Stop being so negative.

It was 4 pm and we were, the seven members of Monsta X and I, sitting in circle in the middle of a dance hall.

Minhyuk: However, it's good that they don't do create a new survival show.

Wonho: And I understand why. You'd like to watch a survival show with four candidates to make only three of them debut? We wouldn't be able to do five episodes with that. Don't wonder why they added I.M at the last minute when we did No.Mercy. It was getting boring.

My knees were up to my chest and I wasabsently listening to their conversation since I knew very well that it would lead to nothing. Jooheon flattered my back as to remind me that he was there for me.

I.M: But do you know how they will decide?

Shownu: No one is aware of the way they'll use to make their choice.

Minhyuk: Maybe they'll come to ask for our opinions?

I.M: I don't think so. They know that we are close to Ha Neul. To have a true opinion, we should remain neutral, but we agree that everyone here would choose Ha Neul for sure.

Jooheon: Must say that she really deserves her place in this band.

Hyungwon: What tells you that the other girls don't deserve it as much?

Jooheon: I didn't say that, but we all know that Ha Neul greatly deserves it.

Me: We all deserve it. We all have the same dream, we are all devastated by this announcement, but what do you want, that's life.

Kihyun: Still, I think Ha Neul is more likely to remain. She's important in their group. She can sing just like she can rap and she's a good dancer.

On this last statement, everyone suddenly raised up their heads to look at him,  skeptical.

Kihyun: Well I mean, she can dance.

They nodded in agreement with Kihyun's rectification.

Then the room was silent for a while. We were lost in our thoughts as it wandered from one problem to another. I couldn't help but to think of the future. Where was I going with now? Where will I finish?


I walked with Yun, Suk Hee AND Min Cha and in the maze of corridors of the company's building. PD Kim was waiting in a practice room. However, when we entered, it's not him who was sitting on a bench, but Sistar's members. I bowed to the moment I saw them while entering the room. I spent over 2 years in this company without ever having had the chance to meet them.

The director of the company showed up behind us.

CEO: I guess you're surprised to see Sistar here. You will spend the next two days with them. So you will show off your rapping, singing and dancing skills. They will assess your participation, your way of working and of course your skills. Afterwards they will make us their report of the two days they spent with you which will help us to make our choice.

They looked very nice, but I suddenly felt the pressure weighing on me. My father had often given singing lessons to Sistar's singer. If ever they were to know that I'm his daughter, they probably would pay more attention to me. And my mistakes. My mistakes more than what I would do well. They shall expect that I absolutely excels in everything they make us do.

CEO: And so, you have to be here tomorrow at 8 am. They will wait for you in this room.

More stress and more pressure added. I know the life of an idol won't always be easy but the future of an idol was a bit safer than a trainee's future.

End of chapter 4! Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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