Chapter 27

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I.M: Ha Neul, relax. You will debut in 12 days. You should focus on that rather than on Jooheon. It's been three days, don't wish for a miracle to get things back to normal.

But how? It was so easy for him to say that when he had already debuted and was deeply in love with Yun.

Hyungwon: Actually, everyone has always known that your relationship would be difficult to maintain because of your two highly filled lifestyles.

Kihyun: He will go back to you anyway, like he does every time you have a big fight.

Me: But, it seems to me that it's a little more serious than usual... We agree that it was about marriage...

I hadn't told them before. I was afraid of their reaction.

Minhyuk: Ma-ma-marriage ?! Wait, what did we miss here? Did something happen before your fight that we don't know?

I told them I met Jooheon's mother and the discussion we had.

I.M: You did it on a whim, I can't believe it. C'mon Ha Neul, you're not yet 20 years old!

I guess they were right... I may have acted on a whim by the scale of emotions I felt when his mother told me she wouldn't approve us in forever if we didn't plan to get married soon.

Me: And if I really want it?

Shownu: Want to get married?

Me: I like Jooheon... I love him so much and I know we can't predict the future, but as long as we both live, I can't imagine us being separated because of any bullshit. If, in order to live happily and peacefully for the rest of our lives, we have to get married, I am ready to do so.

I noticed that my speech had changed something in their way of seeing the situation.

Me: The only problem is Jooheon himself.

Wonho: I don't think he wanted to get married like you when his mother first brought up this topic.

Me: Maybe with time, he will realize that this wouldn't be so bad.

I.M: Certainly. You should talk to him about all this. Be frank and direct. Ask him the questions that lack of answers and you later see what you can do.

Kihyun: I.M, you really always have the situation under control, huh.

He smiled, pleased that his words had meaning.

Me: Thanks, guys. I'll be back with it later.

I found I.M's idea great and quite likely. The problem: Jooheon didn't want to see me or talk to me. He won't even let me into the apartment and certainly won't want to hear my speech in the door frame.

Returning to my dorm, I met by chance Yun. I then thought she could perhaps be a good help for something.

After mundane greetings, I hastened to initiate the conversation toward the subject that interested me.

Me: Are you are in a hurry?

Yun: No, why?

Me: I need your help.


Yun: And that's all I tell him?

Me: Yeah, if you see that he is angry, let it go and leave. He often say hurtful things, that he doesn't think, of course, when he gets angry.

I sat on the floor and waited.

7 minutes later specifically, Yun left the apartment in a nonchalant approach. I rose hurriedly awaiting her verdict.

Yun: I advise you to go soon. He seems open to discussion. He gave me some reasons here and there, but it's not my job to convey them to you.

Me: Thank you very much Yun.

I held her in my arms and let her leave. I sat in the hall, took my knees to my chest and rest my head on them. I began to think about what the hell I was going to talk about. I.M told me to be frank and direct. For this, I had to get a kind of list of priority not to say useless stuff.

I heard in the distance the elevator door opening, then high heel slamming on the ground. I stayed in the same position, as if it was perfectly normal that I was there.

?: Ha Neul?! What are you doing here?


Me: ... Cho... Cho... Cho Hae.

Cho Hae: Why are you sitting in the hall of Jooheon's dorm?

Me: This is Monsta X's dormitory, not Jooheon's only.

Cho Hae: So what?

She was unaware that I was living right next door...

Me: And you, why are you here?

Cho Hae: To visit Jooheon obviously.

Me: He's not here. I'm actually waiting for him.

Well, I had to find a way to get rid of her.

Me: Actually, I.M gave me the key to enter if I found myself waiting too long outside so I think I'll use it.

I took a random key from my key ring and I pretended to unlock the door. I gave her a last look meaning that I had won this time around and walked quickly in so that Jooheon won't put the tip of his nose outside.

Jooheon: You enter without knocking now?

Me: It.. there was a crazy girl and the only way I've found to get rid of her was to come here.

Jooheon: Why not in your dorm?

Me: Because we need to talk.

Jooheon: So let me speak first.

He motioned me to sit down. I chose my usual chair and he sat on the sofa, as always.

Jooheon: I'm sorry for what I have said when we argued. I didn't know how to react, it was so sudden. I just thought that my mother had put pressure on you and had you agreed to get married because of that. I didn't realy think that you might want to get married for real.

Me: Jooheon, I love you, so why continue suffering from the judgments of your mother when we can fix everything. We get married when we love someone, someone with whom we want to spend our life with. Do you love me?

Jooheon: Yes.

Me: So it's as simple as-

Jooheon: But ...

Not a "but"..

Jooheon: But I don't think this is a good idea. Ha Neul, start your career, live passionately every moment you have after debuting, we'll talk about this later. It would be better that we take a break.

Me: You said you loved me...

To love... is not it the condition to get married?

End of chapter 27! Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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