Chapter 26

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Me: Why would I not come?

I let out a nervous laugh that she didn't fail to ignore.

Cho Hae: Sit down!

And so did I.

She took my hand and looked right into my eyes.

Cho Hae: I'm sorry for leaving the hospital that way last time. I didn't expect that you'd be his girlfriend. In fact, I just didn't expect him to have a girlfriend at all.

Me: Oh, it's okay.

Cho Hae: No, it's not. When I arrived here, I thought that I could resume my life where I had left it, but seeing my therapist last week, I realized that it doesn't work like that. People continued to live in my absence.

Me: Yes, obviously.

What was I supposed to respond anyway?

Cho Hae: But since we have Jooheon in common, I thought we could become good friends. If Jooheon loved both of us, we must be a bit alike and have some common interests.

Me: Um, yes... Listen, now I'm tremendously busy, and I am for the next 2 weeks, with no possibility of doing anything. Already that I should not be here right now. Let's talk about that at some other time okay?

Cho Hae: You're leaving now?

Me: Yes, I really don't have time. But thank you for inviting me! See you.

She watched me leave with knife blades in the eyes. It wasn't my fault that she had given me an appointment according to her schedule only. Okay, I admit it wasn't even 2:30 p.m. when I left, but I didn't want to become her friend. Anyone who tries to approach me in evoking Jooheon lose their chance immediately.

I returned to the apartment to eat and dragged my plate to Monsta X's appartment. I wanted to keep company to Jooheon a bit. What I said to Cho Hae about the time that I would have in the coming weeks (or rather that I'm not going to have) was true. This also applies to Jooheon. Every moment now mattered.

Jooheon: What are you doing here? Don't you have stuff to do at the agency?

Me: Yeah, but we pushed out lunchtime to later.

Jooheon: Why?

Me: I had something to do.

Jooheon: What was is?

Me: Oh, nothing important.

He looked at me suspiciously. I wasn't going to tell him that I met with Cho Hae, c'mon. It would be stupid to tell him that.

Jooheon: Do you see someone else?

Me: What?

I nearly choked on the bite of food I had just taken.

Me: I don't see anyone else. You think I'm cheating on you?

Jooheon: Don't act innocent. Suk Hee texted me just now to tell me you had a supposed rendezvous.

Shit. Why did Suk Hee tell him that? They still talk to each other?

Me: You and Suk Hee, you often text each other?

Jooheon: Do not change the topic.

Me: I think we are quite in the same topic.

Jooheon: You know I hate her. Who's the guy? I know him?

Me: I don't see other guys Jooheon.

Jooheon: So what were you gone for?

What story did I invetn for the girls already? I wasn't sure what I told them. Yet it was only a few hours earlier.

Me: ... I went to see an old friend from high school!

Jooheon: False.

Me: Huh?

Jooheon: You lie to me. Why don't you want to tell me if it's just a friend from high school?

Me: She wanted me to keep our meeting secret.

But what am I saying..???

Jooheon: Oh yeah, oh yeah. Is he more handsome than me? He raps better?

Me: It wasn't a f**king guy!! There's only you in my heart Jooheon, why aren't you able to see the sincerity of my feelings?

Jooheon: Because you're lying right now!! You see another guy and you don't want to te-

Me: I told your mother that I wanted to marry you.

Silence. He was speechless.

Jooheon: You did what..?

Me: When I went to see you at the hospital, your mother was there. She said that no matter how my intentions were good, there was no way we could keep dating; she even thought we stopped dating.

Jooheon: You mean that...

Me: I didn't want to lose you again so I brought the topic of marriage back and I said that I agreed, but hthat we had to talk about it with you. I wanted to wait until you're fully recovered, but I have no choice.

Jooheon: You did that without my notice? You decided that... without my... Leave.

Me: What? Jooheon, wait, I can-

Jooheon: Go home Ha Neul.

Me: But... Jooheon.

Jooheon: LEAVE.

I left in tears. I really couldn't understand him. What does he want in the end?

And my day which would still end up in the night when I would want it to end now.

I hoped that with a good night of sleep, his ideas would call up. He was so sensitive, my little Jooheon.

I returned to the agency head down. To avoid that the girls notice that I cried and ask me questions, I waited that my eyes and my face get back to normal.

The day after, we would film the music video, not earlier than this morning, I was so excited at this idea, but now, I no longer felt like doing anything much.

Increasingly, we could see articles that spoke about the new group of Starship Entertainment. The group was revealed to the public and up until now, people seemed to be enjoy. Obviously, I was probably talking too fast because nobody had seen what we could do.

Besides, we would also shoot a video to introduce ourselves and for people to get to know us. And after debuting, the company wanted to create a simple web series as they did for Monsta X. At least professional side, everything was fine for me.

I just had to wait to see what would happen to my love life...

End of chapter 26! Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^

Only 4 chapters left:O


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