Chapter 11

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I walked through the corridors at a fairly rapid pace. I was going to Suk Hee's room which was a little further on the floor because it was a single room and not a double like mine. Since she had waited for me (not long enough I guess), I wanted to go and see her before she went to sleep. And at the same time, check what was going on in there. Not that I thought she would be doingunorthodox things with Jooheon because maybe he was already gone or he just didn't even go. Oh yes, that's possible. I often forget to see the positive side of things.

I knocked three times on the door and Suk Hee opened, as I expected.

Suk Hee: Oh! Ha Neul! What brings you here?

Any normal person would have invited me in, right?

Me: Well.. um, Min Cha told me you had waited a little to see me, but you left. Maybe I took too long?

Suk Hee: Ah no no, I don't blame you for that.


Me: Sooo, what were you doing?

Jooheon (coming from behind Suk Hee): Ha Neul?

Suk Hee looked at Jooheon, then she looked at me and looked at Jooheon again.

Me: Jooheon..?

I pretended to be surprised, but it wasn't very convincing, although they didn't let it show.

Suk Hee: Actually, we met randomly and-

Jooheon (cutting Suk Hee): I have to go. I'll walk Ha Neul to her room.

He slipped out of the room without saying goodbye and I threw a quick glare to Suk Hee before Jooheon closed the door.

We walked a few seconds in silence. Silence was broken almost immediately. Jooheon knew that the road was quite short between my room and Suk Hee's one.

Jooheon: I don't know if you'll imagine things, but I swear Ha Neul, this girl, I just can't. I don't understand why, I'm doing my best to avoid her, she always takes me everywhere she wants to and I can't refuse.

He can't refuse? Is he trying to make me laugh? Suk Hee wasn't a goddess, she has no power on him, then what can stop him from saying "No, sorry."?

Me: Stop putting all the blame on her. She can't be the only wrong person in this situation. Make a man of yourself and learn to say no when it's time.

With that, I turned on the right and went into my room without even saying good night. I felt like I heard a distant "Ha Neul, wait."

The next day, we finally returned to Seoul. Monsta X had a last meeting there. From our side, we were able to return to the apartment. On the way home (that we did with our manager only), our manager gave us some information for the coming week.

Manager: So now that the group is no longer in danger of change, we can start the preparations. Tomorrow, we will make you hear the song that was written for you. The first day will be devoted to the distribution of the text and memorizing words. Then, in the last days, you will have your first studio recording experience. Until now is it okay?

We all nodded. I began to be openly excited by all this despite that Yun was no longer part of the team.

Manager: They will see how it will go this week, and if everything goes well, next week you can already start learning the choreography. You will have a month to be able to do it perfectly. Meanwhile, the label will start thinking of ways to promote the group, to present you to the public and you may have a public appearance before debuting.

A lot of news at once, but each of them made me feel intense joy.

Cha Min: And so, when will we debut?

Manager: 2 or 3 months. If everything goes well of course. There is always the risk that the date gets delayed or that we get late in some preparations.

I couldn't help but smile. It was really true. I had the reflex to text Jooheon but refrained at the last moment, remembering last night. I didn't know when I would see him again, however, there was one thing I knew and it was that to fight with him was the last thing that tempted me now. Better avoid it. All this joy didn't come like that in my life so that someone can destroy it with bullshit.

As we entered the city of Seoul, I turned to the manager, full of hope.

Ha Neul: I have a favor to ask.

Manager: Yes, I'm listening.

I knew there was quite a good chance for my request to be accepted, but I thought that since I made it to this stage in the process of debuting, I should do like any idol and stick to the rules. But it was just for once.

Ha Neul: I could sleep at home tonight..? I know normally we only have the right to do it during holidays, but I'd really like it. Please.

He stared at me for a severals seconds. I couldn't believe he took so long to decide. It wasn't that complicated.

Manager: Well... if I allow it, I will allow it to Suk Hee and Min Cha. But they don't have the chance to live close enough to the agency as you and to have a father who works there.

Cha Min: Personally, it doesn't bother me. I'm sure if I would have been in the same situation, she would have kindly allowed me to go.

I gave her a smile, lowering my head slightly in thanks.

Suk Hee nodded to show her agreement with Min Cha.

Manager: Alright then.

I thanked him by bowing the lowest I could.

The car dropped me home and I ran to the entrance, eager to see my father. It's been a while since I had not slept in my bed also.

I opened the door which wasn't locked and went in shouting "Daddy". I heard footsteps and the sounds of furniture or objects on which he probably stumbled while trying to leave the room.

Father: Ha Neul?!

He ran to me and kissed me on the cheek, giving me a warm hug. I hugged him back. I saw a lady approaching behind him. Another woman again?!

My father turned to see what had caught my puzzled look and put his attention back on me.

Father: You know her?

I shook my head.

My father: It's Jooheon's mother!

End of chapter 11! Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^

*I'm looking for translaters. I had the idea to translate my fiction in different languages cause it was kind of a dream for me lol. So if you speak any languages other than French, Finnish and Tagalog, and you want to translate my fic in your language, I invite you to message me in private^^ I already published the first chapters in Finnish and Tagalog!*


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