Chapter 22

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I ran to the reception where the receptionist showed me the path to take. First, I took the elevator and walked through a maze of endless corridors. I finally arrived at his room, but was told he was having a surgery, this room would be his when the surgery is over and he would remain under observation for a few hours in intensive care. I was taken to the waiting room. They told me they didn't fear for his life. However, he had one damaged organ. I was left alone. I sat down and hid my face in my hands and cried. Despite that he only had only a minor damage, no one knew if he was going to wake up the same as before.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. A warm and comforting hand as I needed it.

Shownu: Did they say anything?

Me (wiping tears somehow): Just that he is in surgery room and they don't fear for his life.

Shownu: It's good to know.

He sat next to me and wrapped my shoulders.

Shownu: The others are coming. Wonho and Minhyuk went to get you a coffee and probably something to nibble.

I didn't risk to answer. If I opened my mouth again, I would start crying again.

We were all sitting there, lost in our thoughts, in deep silence.

One hour and a half later, a doctor came to tell us that the surgery went well and that we would soon be able to stand by his side.

This "soon" ended being 5 hours later. 5 hours we had been waiting in this room that reeked the hospital (which is normal in fact, but unpleasant). We were allowed to enter in groups of 3. Although he was not yet awake, doctors prefered that the room doesn't get full. I went first, accompanied by I.M and Kihyun. I saw Jooheon's face for the first time since the accident. In fact, I saw Jooheon for the first time since the accident. A tear, then another began to flow on my cheeks tired of waiting. I drew a chair near his bed and sat. I took his hand. It was cold and rough. I stroked his fingers to warm them. I hoped he could feel my presence.

I.M and Kihyun were standing behind me, watching the scene. There wasn't much to say. Bruises covered his face. Scratches too. I was hurt for him. I wanted to hug him the strongest I could and tell him that everything was fine. Like always.

After they all had their turn in the room, they left me alone with Jooheon. I stroked his forehead, looking at him tenderly. I knew that even if he had his eyes closed, he could feel all the love I bore him at that moment.

Suddenly, the door opened in a crash and someone ran to the bed, pushing me slightly.

?: Oh my God, Jooheon. What have you done lord. Why were you so careless?

I heard the person sob. Since she had entered, I kept my eyes on Jooheon but finally I lowered my head in... sympathy, respect?

?: YOU?!?


?: How is it that you're here?!

I looked up and suddenly discovered (with horror) Jooheon's mom. That's why her voice sounded familiar.

Mother of Jooheon: But I ordered to the two of you to stop dating.

Me: I know, but... You know, I really like Jooheon and as soon as I knew he was at the hospital, I came as fast as I could.

Jooheon's mother: No matter how you feel or how your intentions are good, I won't approve your relationship. My condition is clear and since you don't want to hear about it, case closed.

I began to cry, not without shame.

Me (mumbling): I... I am willing to marry into your family.

She jumped in surprise, what I just said sounded really absurd. Even I was surprised.

She tried to say something, but she seemed completely disoriented.

Me: We should just wait Jooheon's response. And I don't think it's the right time to ask. Let's wait for the time he recovers fully.

She looked at me before nodding.

Jooheon's mother: I knew that deep down you were a good girl.

Old nanny-goat.

I told her that I had something to do and that I would come back later. I left to the dorm and got some clothes for the night at the hospital. I wasn't going to let him alone in his suffering.

When I came back, about an hour later, the chair I occupied earlier was occupied by someone. She seemed to be my age. Jooheon's mother wasn't there anymore.

I walked slowly as she turned.

?: Oh hello.

Me: Hi...

?: Do we know each other?

Me: No, I don't think so.

?: I'm Cho Hae!

Me: Nice to meet you. I'm Ha Neul.

Cho Hae: You're visiting Jooheon?

No, I'm only a sadist who likes to visit people in hospitals to watch their disfigured faces.

Me: Yes.

Cho Hae: I came because... well ... this accident is kind of my fault...

This girl was really weird. As she meets someone for the first time she tells that person it's his or her fault if the person lying in the hospital bed is there.

Me: What do you mean..?

She certainly did get my attention.

Cho Hae: Well, according to the outcome of the investigation, Jooheon had an accident because he looked at his phone while driving. The thing is that I was the only one who texted him at the time of the accident.

If he wouldn't have looked at the message of this girl, he would have arrived safely at the agency? And why was she texting Jooheon? Who the hell was she?!

End of chapter 22! Long time I know... Thanks to read the fiction and to vote^^


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