Chapter 24 PUPPY!!

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I groaned tiredly, about to cry, as someone shook my shoulders.

"Wake up beautiful," Sky mumbled.

"I don't wanna!" I whined. "Also, don't touch me."

When I was little, my mom would rub my back or something to get me up, and I'd scream at her for it. I hate when people touch me. And in school, my friends would all bug me by touching me, no matter how many times I would tell them not to. I hate being touched.

"Come on!" He whined. "Get up!"

"No, Adam!" I hissed angrily. I was pissed now.

"Libby, please!" Sky begged.

"Why?!" I hissed.

"Can you just....Gosh you're being difficult!' Adam sighed. "I just want you to get up. Please?"

I sighed and got up, walking towards the shower. Sky followed me.

"I'm fine with it," I sighed. "But I will f***ing hit you for waking me up."

"Don't touch me." He mocked me. I rolled my eyes, but cracked a smile.

After our shower, we went downstairs and I flopped onto the couch. I heard a small little bark.

"What's that?" I asked as I sat up. Adam held a little brown lab in his hands.

"She's only about five months old," He said. "But I got her. The guys wanted a pet and I figured you would too, so.....she's all of our responsibility."

"She's so cute!" I gasped as I took her from Sky. She began to lick my face.

"Hey!" Adam whined. "Only I can do that!"

"Uhm....ew?" Ty said from the hallway. "Can I pet her?"

"Sure," I said as he came over and pet the puppy. "What's her name?"

"I was thinking we could all choose a name for her." Adam said as he kissed the top of my head. I set the puppy down and let her explore the house.

"Is she trained?" I asked. "I'm not cleaning up any messes."

"She's trained well enough, but she has to get used to this huge house." He told me.

"YOU GOT ME A PUPPY, ADAM?!" Jerome yelled. The dog whimpered at the sudden loud noise, but ran up to Jerome, anyways.

The rest of the guys, minus Mitch, came down to check out the small little bundle Adam had brought home. I hugged him tight.

"She's just the perfect addition to this huge family," I said as I kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"She's a perfect addition to our family." He replied, kissing me on the lips.

What should the puppy be named? Let me down below! Also, what are the guys' last names, if they've told us. I know Jason's is Parks, at least I think so, and I KNOW Mitch's is Hughes, like mine. But what about Husky's, Adam's, Ty's, and Jerome's? Do any of you know? Also, do you know when their birthdays are? My research has failed me, and I want to know for the story.

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